Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars
via satellite, Father Guido Sarducci waits outside McCartneys’ London pad
— I liked Don Pardo’s opening “Day 122 of Paul McCartney without marijuana” announcement.
— Only Jane at the Update desk? Where’s Bill?
— From what I’ve heard about this episode, Father Guido Sarducci really IS being broadcast live from London for this episode.
— Ha, Sarducci rocking the 1980 Bo Derek braids and beads.
— Sarducci throwing stuff at Paul McCartney’s window to wake him up is fairly funny.
— Tonight’s LFNY is said by a random English milkman! One of the very few LFNYs in SNL history that was uttered by an unidentifiable person.
STARS: **½
host talks about his ideals in the form of “What I Believe”
— Who were those two guys seen running off the home base stage right before Steve made his entrance? (screencap below)
— I loved Steve slow-strutting his way onto the monologue stage while the theme music was still playing.
— Is it just me, or is this the third monologue where he announces in a mock-serious voice that he’s “getting out of the comedy business”? I know he definitely said it in his monologue from earlier this season, and I think he said it in one of the previous seasons as well.
— Loved his random line about “Uncle Todd, who waves his penis”.
— His “What I Believe” speech is great and has so many hilarious random one-liners.
— Overall, one of the funniest monologues Steve has done so far.
STARS: ****½
not-very-exotic citizens are on display
— I’m assuming this is a take-off of the then-popular show “That’s Incredible!”.
— Very delayed entrance from Bill. He looks funny in that wig and mustache, though.
— Ha, all five of these people are the HOSTS?
— Hey, it’s Akira Yoshimura, playing a character with his real name.
— Humorous how the “incredible” things about the people on display are just mundane, everyday things like eating sushi and reading before bed.
— Lots of fantastic energy from the five hosts.
— LOL at the hosts’ amazement over a man having “very dark brown skin”.
— Good part with the fake audience members being interviewed.
STARS: ****
(GIR) & (JAC) clean up the mess made by their sons during a home invasion
— The way Bill and Steve busted into the apartment at the beginning had shades of X-Police.
— Bill and Steve are hilarious as the goofy robbers.
— Funny turn with Gilda and Jane showing up as the robbers’ mothers to clean up the mess their sons made during their robbery.
— Jane’s sudden gunshot at Harry genuinely made me jump.
— I loved the part with Gilda and Jane forcing Laraine and Harry to lean forward….. so they can fluff the pillows behind them.
— Overall, a decent sketch, but it kinda dragged in the middle when Jane and Gilda were cleaning up the place.
STARS: ***
3-D performs “All-Night Television”
Father Guido Sarducci sings a Beatles medley to get McCartneys’ attention
— Funny bit from Bill at the beginning, with him randomly asleep on the desk during Pardo’s intro.
— I’m getting tired of this season’s running segments with Father Guido Sarducci waiting to interview someone. They already did this earlier this season with him trying to interview Nixon.
— Sarducci singing a medley of Beatles songs over the bullhorn is going on WAY too long.
— Oh, man, the Sarducci segment is how they end Update tonight?
— During Jane’s sign-off, Bill’s not there at the desk. Guess this is yet another Update this season where he had to duck out early to get in costume for the next sketch.
— Overall, a blah Update. An unusual amount of Bill and Jane’s jokes fell pretty flat, and the long Sarducci segment killed any remaining momentum.
caveman (BIM) feels threatened by more-evolved (host)
— Great caveman make-up job on the performers, especially Bill. I now see why Bill had to duck out of Update early, as it must’ve taken several minutes for the make-up people to give him that caveman look.
— Interesting voice on Gilda. I’ve never heard her sound like that before.
— Bill’s loud scream after walking on the fire was hilarious.
— Laraine bluntly saying “You make me wet” to Steve was a riot. I’m surprised the censors would allow that in 1980.
— Fitting how Steve’s the only one talking in a normal non-caveman speech pattern.
— Pretty funny ending with Bill repeatedly slamming a boulder into a sleeping Steve.
STARS: ***½
Paul & Linda McCartney dodge Father Guido Sarducci’s marijuana questions
— Ugh, Father Guido Sarducci is STILL trying to wake McCartney up. I’m so over these segments.
— Hey, Paul McCartney has finally shown up!
— Double ugh at Sarducci asking Paul “If you could be any animal, what would it be?” It wasn’t funny when he asked that question to Nixon earlier this season, and it ain’t funny now.
Paul & Linda McCartney perform “Coming Up” in music video
Ronald (HAS) & Nancy (JAC) Reagan have dinner with some reporters
— Harry’s Reagan impression looks very different from the last time he played him, and he’s wearing a ton of make-up this time. I guess it’s true that Harry was really the very first SNL cast member to make a big deal about going out of his way to look like the celebrities he impersonates, something that upcoming cast member Joe Piscopo would take to even further extremes in the next SNL era. A huge contrast to the very early SNL days of putting little-to-no effort to make people like Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd look like the politicians and celebrities they play.
— Weird seeing Jane as Nancy Reagan. I never knew she played her.
— This sketch is very quiet so far.
— That’s it? The sketch is over? Wow, what was the point of this? This was very dull, fell really flat, and I got almost no laughs from it. A waste of Harry’s Reagan impresion.
bitter loneliness in aging Patti Caldwell’s (GIR) album
— The “Stretch Marks” title is already making me like this sketch.
— Gilda’s lip-syncing is really obvious.
— Never mind, I guess the blatant lip-syncing is intentionally part of the joke, since Gilda now seems to be going out of her way to make some parts of her singing look very out-of-sync.
— The “F-U-L-L-F-I-L-L-M-E-N-T” song was hilarious.
— Overall, a very funny sketch and a great Gilda showcase, the latter of which feels almost rare at this late stage in Gilda’s SNL tenure. She’s surprisingly been fairly quiet this season, I guess due to spending so much time doing her one-woman stage show “Gilda Live!” throughout this season.
STARS: ****½
buck (host) & doe (GIR) wait for traffic to let up at a deer crossing
— I like the idea of this.
— What the hell kind of animal is Garrett supposed to be dressed as?
— Oh, he’s a cow, I see.
— It’s over already? Well, that certainly went NOWHERE. The idea of the sketch was cute, but absolutely nothing interesting happened in it. I didn’t laugh a single time. It ended up being another sketch tonight that left me asking myself “That’s it? What was the point of that?”, much like the Reagan sketch.
crew breaks down location for London satellite shoot
— According to Steve, they have a lot of time to kill.
— Laraine doesn’t look very happy. I’ve noticed that about her in several goodnights this season, actually.
— For some reason, the scrolling ending credits are in a yellow font tonight instead of the usual white font.
— I love the cutaway to the SNL crew in London putting away their equipment.
— A very up-and-down, inconsistent episode. Some things were very strong, some things were terrible. Actually, come to think of it, the show started out really well, as most of the pre-Update material was good and featured some great energetic performances. The inconsistency of the night seemed to start halfway through the episode, where even Update was pretty flat. There were two solid sketches after Update (Stretch Marks and The Hominids), but some of the weaker sketches in that half were some of the most laughless flops the show has had in a while. And it goes without saying that I could’ve done without so much Father Guido Sarducci throughout the show.
— This was Steve Martin’s final time hosting during the original SNL era. I’m gonna miss seeing him working with this cast, which to this day still remains the cast he had the best chemistry with.
— about the same
My full set of screencaps for this episode is here
(*sigh*) It’s the end of an era, folks. Buck Henry hosts the original cast’s final episode.
If I’m not mistaken, “What I Believe” was Jack Handey’s first material for SNL. It was included on Steve’s last standup album, too.
“Real Incredible People” is a hybrid of both “That’s Incredible!” and “Real People.” It’s nicely written and especially acted, elevating what could have been a one-joke premise.
I know you don’t normally comment on the musical performances, but any thoughts on the “Coming Up” video?
She’s got one more showcase in the next episode, but all in all, “Stretch Marks” isn’t a bad last hurrah for Gilda. And now I’ve made myself sad.
Jack Handey writing the monologue makes so much sense. Now that I think about it, it had kind of a “Deep Thoughts” feel to it, which probably explains why I loved it so much.
I liked the “Coming Up” performance. The video was cool and the song was catchy. I’m reminded of a few seasons earlier when George Harrison debuted two music videos on the show, which I also enjoyed.
Real Incredible People is a pastiche of “That’s Incredible” and a then-current NBC show called “Real People,” which is harder to explain but was like an entire show made up of the human-interest segments at the end of local news shows- fairly safe light entertainment. The sketch of course took the position that both shows are for idiots.
The “You make me wet” line…is my #1 favorite moment…I don’t know why, but it was so unexpected and at the time it really seemed to push the envelope of what censors might allow. I always thought Laraine was never given proper credit, though to be fair, the female lineup of Gilda, Jane and Laraine was by far the strongest female cast the show ever had (in my opinion). And Steve Martin was just so damn cool and funny at that point…loved it when he was on the show…hell, I loved everything Steve Martin at that time. Great stuff!
Hot take:
Steve Martin never should have hosted again after this episode. When he comes back to host in 1986, he’s a completely different person. The silly, fun-loving persona is gone, instead you get cerebral smug Steve Martin. I just don’t find it as funny. Also, like Stooge said, he has zero chemistry with every newer cast that he works with. It feels like he’s doing Lorne a favor rather than wanting to actually be there.
I wouldn’t go that far. Consider “A Holiday Wish” or “Not Gonna Phone It In Tonight.” Very strong work.
I did like Steve’s interaction with Eddie Murphy at the end of the show that Murphy hosted while still a cast member…
Not Gonna Phone It In is my all time favorite opening.
The “Stretch Marks” commercial is very similar to one of Andrea Martin’s SCTV fake ads, but Gilda does a very good job here.
It was a real coup for SNL to host the world premiere of the “Coming Up” video – remember, MTV wouldn’t debut for another fifteen months!
Yeah, I loved all the Paul McCartney’s being portrayed. And Linda was at her loveliest during that video!
Ah, one of the Greatest SNL Mysteries. “Who said Live from New York and London?” Seriously though, I wonder if he knows how big a deal that was back then. I wonder if he is still alive. I wonder what his name was. The World May Never Know…seriously tho, I kinda want him to make a reappearance some day.
The guys who were seen running off are must been the ones who removed the Update set very quickly since Weekend Update took place at the home base. That moment reminds me from this heavy-stressful BTS video from SNL:
the first few seconds of
gilda reminded me of future Jan performances
same faces too
Jan was a fan of this .. I guess