December 11, 1982 – Eddie Murphy / Lionel Richie (S8 E9)

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

planned host Nick Nolte is ill, so EDM introduces “The Eddie Murphy Show”

— I like the opening shot of pictures of various Eddie Murphy sketches on the wall.
— Eddie gives a legitimate but funny explanation as to why scheduled host Nick Nolte had to drop out, and how we’re still going to see a “48 Hours” star host tonight because Eddie’s taking over Nolte’s duties.
— It speaks volumes on how huge of a star Eddie was at this point that he was allowed to fill in as a host (and in only his third season as a cast member!) and the episode would still be a big draw for audiences. I don’t think there’s ever been another cast member since Eddie who’s megastardom on the show was THAT much higher than that of their castmates. Some people might argue Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig, or even current cast member Kate McKinnon, but nope, they weren’t on Eddie’s early 80s level of huge stardom (especially not by their respective third seasons).
— “Live from New York, it’s the Eddie Murphy Show!” I know the decision to have Eddie open the show with that line bothered some of his castmates, but in some ways, that line DOES sum up how this SNL era is often looked as, for better or worse.
STARS: ***½

— Funnily enough, despite being credited and announced by Pardo as the host (with his head pasted over a picture of Nick Nolte), Eddie’s also still credited and announced as a cast member as usual.

EDM does stand-up about black people & haunted houses, Stevie Wonder


— Feels great to see Eddie making the entrance that hosts usually do at this part of the show.  And wow, listen to those huge audience cheers for him.
— I like how this has started with him jokingly saying the cliched things hosts usually start their monologues with (“great to be here in New York”, “working with this cast has been great”, etc.) as if he’s never been to New York or worked with this cast before.
— Yet another great display of Eddie’s knack for doing a perfect “old Jew” voice.
— Lots of laughs from Eddie giving examples on why black characters can’t realistically be in horror films. Even if that’s a cliched stand-up topic by today’s standards, Eddie’s making some funny points here.
— Love how he’s now doing his “bad taste” Stevie Wonder impression.
— Great part with him miming a fight with Stevie.
— Overall, great stand-up monologue from Eddie as expected.
STARS: ****

“Maybe the last puzzle you’ll never solve”


— Funny concept, and seems to be an improvement over that “Rubik’s Teeth” commercial from last season.
— I’m getting some good laughs from the very frantic, shaky movements of the hands panickedly trying to solve the Rubik’s Grenade.
— Good tagline.
STARS: ***½

(JOP) & (JLD) see the Kensington Dance Theater For The Blind in action


— Some pretty funny missed falls from the dancers.
— Good reveal that it’s not the dancers who are blind but rather the audience. I had been wondering why the audience members were all staring blankly ahead during Joe’s speech.
STARS: ***

Frank Sinatra (JOP) sings on Gumby’s special


— Ah, here’s what’s considered the quintessential Gumby sketch, as well as a famous classic sketch in general. It used to be a yearly tradition for SNL to always include this in their annual Christmas compilation special.
— I got an unintentional chuckle at how cheap-looking the title graphic for this sketch comes off by today’s standards, with “Merry Christmas, Dammit!” being written in a very plain-looking font.
— Haha, I like Sammy Davis Jr.’s tree ornament being a glass eye.
— Classic moment with the song from Gary and Julia’s Donny and Marie gradually turning into a squicky brother/sister make-out session. That’s probably the most well-remembered part of this sketch.
— Good dark ending to Gumby’s Christmas story to the kids.
— Loved the part with Gumby throwing a little girl out into the snowy outdoors and making her walk to Andy Williams’ Christmas special.
— Is that Clint Smith as the shortest of the three singing Don Kings? I can’t tell.
— I’m loving Joe-as-Sinatra’s medley of cartoon character theme songs.
— The scrolling ending credits of nothing but Jewish names was probably overkill of a joke they already established earlier, but it still made me chuckle anyway.
— Nice touch at the end with the little girl who was kicked out earlier now being frozen while staring in through the window.
— Overall, this sketch is absolutely deserving of its classic status.
STARS: *****

Harry Anderson [real] tries bottle-in-a-tube trick with audience member


— Harry’s different ways of trying to communicate with the male audience member, especially after finding out he’s from New Jersey, are pretty funny.
— Good comment from Harry regarding the audience volunteer’s baldness: “You brushed your hair, but you forgot to bring it, didn’t you?”
— Overall, Harry’s interactions with the volunteer were fun as expected, but this overall segment wasn’t quite up to Harry’s usual standards. This felt pretty average.
STARS: ***

Dion Dion (EDM) denies knowledge of stealing hair for wigs


— The debut of Eddie’s Dion Dion character, who would later go on to be teamed with Joe as a pair of flamboyant hairstylists.
— The audience seems to be getting a real kick out of the mere fact that Eddie is queening it up in this. I guess the portrayal of stereotypical gay characters was more of a novelty back in those days.
— I kinda like how it’s now being hinted that Eddie is wearing Robin’s old hair.
— At the end during the sketch-ending applause, Eddie can be seen yanking off his wig and throwing it at Robin, which I’m assuming was an ad-lib.
— Fairly forgettable sketch overall.
STARS: **½

a Herpes Simplex II virus (EDM) returns home from the front lines


— Pretty interesting, unusual set-up.
— Good character voice on Eddie here.
— Wow, this sketch is really “out there” so far. And the studio audience ain’t into this at all.
— Overall, I don’t know WHAT to think of this, but I think I feel confident enough to say this did not work, despite a somewhat creative concept and a very committed performance from Eddie.

jaded children discuss Christmas
— What the–? It’s a rerun of an SNL Newsbreak pre-tape from last season’s Christmas episode, where Mary interviews little kids about “the meaning of Christmas”. I know it’s Christmas again, but is it really necessary to re-air this?
— At least it’s worth it just for the (now) novelty of seeing a young Seth Green again.

Jesus’ birth, as told by April May June

— The return of this character from Julia’s very first episode.
— I like how Julia is getting increasingly worked up during her story. She always does a good job as this character.
STARS: ***

— I already covered this in my review of the Robert Blake episode. This was actually originally aired in tonight’s episode and was later added to the Blake episode in reruns.
— Comedy Central’s big-ol’ “The Eddie Murphy Experience” station bug on the lower corner of the screen (which I’m sure you’ve been noticing in some of my screencaps of this era’s episodes; “The Eddie Murphy Experience” was a big 1994 marathon of early 80s SNLs that Comedy Central showed to promote the release of Eddie’s “Beverly Hills Cop 3”) completely blocked the “Prymouth” part of the racially stereotypical “Clysler-Prymouth” name at the end, thus ruining the gag (not that it was funny anyway). (screencap below)


musical guest performs “You Are”

Dr. Jack Badofsky lists some Christmas-related medical problems
May Bradley (ROD) has holiday advice for old people- drink smart egg nogs
a riled-up MAG offers some of her Christmas pet peeves


— Brad’s Tony Orlando Lookalike Contest joke was pretty funny.
— It took two minutes into tonight’s Dr. Jack Badofsky for me to finally get a laugh. It was the “Richard-Pryorrea” one that did it.
— Bah, aside from the aforementioned Richard Pryor bit, Badofsky’s overall commentary did absolutely NOTHING for me. I’ve officially been over this character for a while now.
— A lot of Brad’s jokes are bombing badly tonight.
— Here comes yet ANOTHER attempt from Robin at an SNL news character. None of her attempts in the past have worked at all. Will this?
— Eh, Robin’s overall commentary was marginally better than her previous SNL news attempts, though this one took a while to take off.
— Now Brad has been relying on an endless consecutive string of groanworthy picture gags.
— Tonight’s “Spittin’ Mad Mary Gross” commentary had a slow start, but after a while, we’re now getting her usual strong delivery and lines. She’s saving this whole Saturday Night News for me tonight.

musical guest performs “Truly”

Steve Martin [real] is hurt because he wasn’t called upon to do the show


— Another mention from Eddie of tonight being “The Eddie Murphy Show”.
— Steve Martin! We haven’t seen him on the show since the original era. Having regularly reviewed his many prior episodes during my coverage of the first five seasons, it feels very refreshing seeing him again after a two-season absence, even if this is just a cameo. I still have to wait until we reach 1986 in my SNL project before I can go back to regularly reviewing his episodes again. I wonder if the reason for his long hosting gap between 1980-1986 is because for a while, he possibly stuck to doing what fellow original-era frequent host Buck Henry did: stay loyal to the original cast by never hosting in subsequent eras.
— Steve’s whole angry rant over not being asked to host is fantastic.
— His obligatory “Excuuuse meee!” at the end was delivered very differently and less exaggeratedly from how we’re used to hearing it, which may go to show that his style was already beginning to shift by this point in 1982. By the time he starts regularly hosting SNL again a few years later in 1986, his manic style from the 70s has completely changed to a more low-key style.
— I love Eddie’s frozen, deadpan reaction after Steve’s whole rant is finished.

— A decent but surprisingly average episode. I had always been under the impression that this episode was generally considered to be a bit of a classic, so I was kinda disappointed to see it just turned out to be a normal episode. I think the whole “Eddie Murphy hosting the show while still in the cast” novelty might make this episode seem better in some people’s minds than it really is. Well, that and the often-aired Gumby Christmas sketch. Looking past those two aspects, there was still a decent amount of fun highlights, but not more so than usual.
— Eddie handled the job of a host perfectly, even managing to be funny in his musical guest intros (“Ever say to yourself, wow, the musical guest really sucked?” and then later “Ever say to yourself, wow, that last sketch really sucked?”, the latter referring to tonight’s Herpes sketch). It can’t be said enough how amazing it is that an SNL episode was actually hosted by someone who’s still in the cast. Needless to say, this milestone would turn out to be a turning point for Eddie, and it’s no surprise that even as early as the beginning of next season, he already has one foot out the door.

— a slight step up

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here


We enter 1983, with host Lily Tomlin

37 Replies to “December 11, 1982 – Eddie Murphy / Lionel Richie (S8 E9)”

  1. Did the Robin Duke WU commentary feel like it had a very abrupt ending to you? It seemed like Brad Hall cut her off before she was done, unless there was an edit. The whole thing was just…not good, and reminded me of a prototype of a later Tracey Ullman character (Ruby Romaine). I like Robin so I always will for these old sketches to turn out better than they do.

    I actually did sort of, well, not dislike the herpes sketch, although the idea was much more interesting than the execution. I think the most interesting part to me was probably that Eddie and Mary were an interracial couple with no real mention made – to think over a decade later there would be an entire sketch about how interracial relationships are shocking and weird.

    I think the blind sketch may have been the most compelling of the night for me. Joe in a rare straight man role, and a twist you don’t see (no pun intended) coming. I also noticed some of the male cast members were discreetly covered or kept at a distance, while Gary Kroeger had to…let it all hang out there. Gary really was the token beefcake cast member (albeit a very talented comedian as well) before that became a ‘thing.’

    I feel like this first season was the one with the most interesting material for JLD, probably because sketches like the televangelist one have the vibe of something she would have done in her troupe and just did again on SNL, unlike the myriad girlfriend/secretary/daughter/sister roles.

  2. Favorite line from Merry Christmas, Dammit!: Gumby: (as he uses his hand to pry siblings Donny and Marie away from their lips) Cut it out! Is this the way you kids go Hawaiian? Give me a Break! (It was during this period that the Osmond brother-sister team sang through many Hawaiian Punch commercials ending with them warbling “Go Hawaiian!”)

  3. I have been trying to find the Merry Christmas Dammit sketch but it’s nowhere to be found! How can I find it?

  4. I know the goodnights don’t usually warrant a rating, but I think the Steve Martin bit here is excellent. Not only is it great seeing him again (during what I now look back on as kind of a transitional/experimental period for him), but his whole rant is pretty clever. “Girls won’t go out with me because I haven’t hosted in 2 years!… You could have called me, Carson, Letterman, Buck Henry but we’re sitting home alone?!”

  5. I see some historical irony in Eddie’s monologue, considering he starred in that money-grab “Haunted Mansion” kids movie in 2003.

    I thought this episode was above-average, but it is my case example of why I hated SNN with Brad Hall. His delivery is forced, the material is weak, and it almost feels like time filler between commentaries.

  6. @HeyStu is harsh about Brad Hall but, sadly, totally accurate. I still think he’s the best regular anchor at WU/SNN during the Ebersol years — even the great Christopher Guest is stiff and has the same tired material as Brad. Now if we include guest anchors — Edwin Newman! His smooth delivery and the twinkle in his eye helped to sell even blasé material a bit more than the others.

  7. As I’ve grown somewhat fatigued with Dennis Miller’s Update over the years, I’d be tempted to tie him with Brad Hall the best ’80s anchor, if I had to choose in a pinch. I think Brad could resort to the somewhat tiresome yelly/faux-righteous routine a bit too easily, before he was completely sidelined by Ebersol, but he never really got a chance to show us what he could have been. He did have some charisma and presence, and some funny moments.

    1. Hall had funny moments here and there, but WU and SNN during the Doumanian/Ebersol years is a wash. The worst anchor was probably BDM, then Guest, then Hall. I don’t disagree with Kubelsky about Edwin Newman, though.

    2. Hall is the best by default. His SNN’s were tight and breezy, if not especially funny. The BDM Newsbreaks were an absolute slog – the one aspect of the 81-82 season that doesn’t improve on the previous year. Guest is dry as the desert and was basically working with the same script as Hall. He may be the most ill-suited anchor in history, a pretty big statement considering that list includes Dan Aykroyd and Cecily Strong.

      To lump Miller in with this crew is sacrilege.

    3. I recall reading somewhere that Hall would have gone even heavier on the faux-/ self-righteousness if he’d had his way- Ebersol supposedly nixed a lot of his ideas- which led to Hall’s eventual demise on the show after hr called Ebersol a liar in a staff meeting

  8. I have to say I love when the comments here show a random, ancient episode has suddenly caught fire again. And I also love that we all have some appreciation for BH.
    And @tlbj, I got the same sense after reading the Shales book, and may have even commented somewhere here about it… the self-righteousness could have gotten unbearable if left unchecked. But as both Stooge and also I think Bronwyn Douwsma point out, BH really did some outstanding non-SNN work after he was removed as anchorman. Too bad that never got to really flourish.
    Also, I know you meant to say “he,” and I’m totally not being grammar police… but for a split second it was way funnier to me to think that NBC Human Resources dept. called Ebersol a liar (finally!).

  9. Out of curiosity, what’s everyone’s rank of Update anchors? I may forget a few but right now I’d go:

    1. Norm
    2. Fey / Fallon (I’ll freely admit ones below this are better, but this is my first Update team and I have a lot of nostalgia for them)
    3. Chevy
    4. Miller
    5. Meyers / Poehler
    6. Che / Jost
    7. Meyers
    8. Curtin / Murray
    9. Fey / Poehler (I liked them more than most around here)
    10. Curtin / Ackroyd
    11. Meyers / Strong
    12. Quinn
    13. Hall
    14. Jost / Strong
    15. Doyle Murray
    16. Rocket

  10. Stooge feel free to delete if you’d prefer not to have a ton of lists here…
    For me, Norm is far and away the best. After that, my list goes as follows (and I’m mostly ranking the anchors with a little extra consideration given to the material itself)…
    Che / Jost
    Curtin / Murray
    Fey / Fallon
    Curtin alone
    Meyers / Poehler
    Fey / Poehler
    Curtin / Aykroyd
    Meyers / Strong
    Doyle Murray

    *I didn’t rank Jost / Strong since I only saw one of theirs, once, and thought Cecily did a good job and Jost seemed bland (which I still think he kind of is). Apparently that’s totally different from most people’s impression, so I don’t think it’s fair to judge them with my skewed perspective

    1. Norm
      70s Anchors (Chevy/Jane/Bill/Dan)

  11. My favorite Update anchors are the kind that provide a stark contrast to the overall show – Norm’s darkness to contrast the obsequiousness of the Cheerleaders et al, Dennis’ off-the-cuff style to contrast the show’s tight professionalism, Che and Jost’s edginess to contrast the show’s wine mom sensibility. When Update feels like an extension of the rest of the show, I find myself bored.

    1. Norm – fearless to a fault perhaps (some of that edgelord shit is really iffy these days), but the most exciting anchor in a walk He’ll never be loved by the same people that love the Fey-Poehler years, despite both sets having a penchant for EXTREMELY PORBLEMATIC JOKES, but the Norm years are the only years where Update felt like appointment viewing.

    2. Dennis – He edges out Che and Jost because he hit the ground running with a style that felt almost revolutionary at the time. Dennis exuded confidence and smarts, even when he was just leaning on some stock Foto Funnies. They weren’t all hits, but Dennis’ years felt like a cool, somewhat unpredictable hang when the show had become a high functioning machine.

    3. Che and Jost – They took at least a full season to get their legs and they have their warts (Che can sometimes be too sloppy, Jost too bland), but the duo have consistently been the strongest part of SNL over the last few seasons, particularly as the show lost its identity during the Trump years (which might also be Che and Jost’s fault). Their dynamic is fresh, loose and self-aware and they have found a way to get some particularly tough jokes through despite being a weird era for telling jokes.

    4. Chevy – The originator. He may be an asshole, but he was basically the funniest man in the world in 1976,

    5. Curtain/Murray – Proto-Fey/Fallon, Murray allowed Curtain to loosen up. The pair had a nice chemistry and were the only two SNL castmembers of the early era to improve every season.

    6. Seth/Amy – I like the era where Seth was trying on different hats in terms of tone. These guys always had great, natural chemistry, even if neither had really defined their voice on Update.

    7. Seth – The stabilizer. He held it down for a long time, never delivering a classic, but never really bombing much either. I don’t love a smooth Update, I like it raw and unpredictable, but Seth steered the ship with ease.

    8. Fey/Fallon – Lorne’s ideal (remember, he wanted Norm to have a female co-anchor). Fey was an immediate hit while Fallon took a couple season’s to hit his stride. Unfortunately, by the time Fallon had settled into his persona, Fey had lost the plot. Well-remembered and fitfully funny, but very rarely were the two fully in sync.

    9. Nealon – Probably had the best correspondents of any anchor. Nealon brought his subtle absurdist style to the anchor position almost as a throwback to Chevy. It was a smashing success…for about a year. The downfall was pretty swift and ugly, with the occasional spike in performance. The correspondent pieces carried him for his last couple seasons.

    10. Curtain – Her performances during Chevy’s medical leave were very strong, but things got rocky when she took over full-time. By the end of the 76-77 season, Curtain seemed poised to really take off on her own.

    11. Quinn – More misunderstood than truly awful. Colin Quinn is a brilliant comedian, but a very choppy performer. When watching this era of Update, you are seeing a man’s brain being undone by his own mouth. He’s like a high performance vehicle with three flat tires, you know what Quinn was capable of, but he just couldn’t get up to full speed. When he did connect (please rewatch his Update from the Heather Graham episode), he could really nail it, but too often he was just a guy you sort of felt sorry for.

    12. Curtain/Aykroyd – This is a good example of what can happen when people think a castmember with gravitas would work as an anchor. I remember people suggesting Parnell and Gasteyer back in the day and it’s like…man, Aykroyd already proved why this doesn’t work. Actors aren’t anchors. These two tend to get retroactive love because of their Point/Counterpoint segment, but that only really got going after Aykroyd vacated the position. This era is just weird and “off” and the Update set was well and truly fucked to boot.

    13, Seth/Cecily – Seth was comfortably in the driver’s seat, which allowed him to seamlessly transition a miscast Cecily Strong into the role. It’s largely fine, albeit completely bland and devoid of chemistry.

    14. Colin/Cecily – A miscast and still-green Cecily Strong tries to carry a completely green Colin Jost into his Update career. It largely crashed and burned.

    15. Brad Hall – The jokes are almost uniformly lousy, but at least Hall had energy and knew how to interact with his correspondents.

    16. Fey/Poehler – The best gag about the Fey/Poehler is how completely beloved this duo remains. Rotten jokes, an exhausting neediness and a smug chemistry – I appreciate how important this duo was to the show and I know that their dynamic worked in sketches (Amy’s true home and, secretly, Tina’s as well), but perception and reality are acres apart with these two.

    17. Rocket/Matthius – The 80-81 cast were all just basically understudies of the original cast. Piscopo a poor man’s Aykroyd. Dillon a poor man’s Radner. Nowhere was that more apparent than on this era of Update which first unsuccessfully tried to recreate the Chevy template and then unsuccessfully tried to recreate the Curtain/Murray template.

    18. Guest – It’s the Brad Hall formula, but without the energy and effort.

    19. BDM/Gross/Ebersole – So bad and so much. This era had about as many laughs as the Rocket season (read: not much at all) but over twice the length. God love Brian Doyle Murray, one of our great character actors, but to witness him fall on his face over and over with almost no end in sight is truly harrowing. How did no one think, “Hey, if it’s going to be bad, let’s just make it short”?

  12. You guys have convinced me to move Jost / Che up to 3 on my list. The comment about them being an edgy contrast to the current era’s “wine mom sensibility” was perfect. Che’s rants are almost uniformly great, and Jost has some of the best pure jokes since the Norm era.

    Definitely a lot of nights this era where Update is the only solid thing.

  13. Wouldn’t it have even funnier if this episode kept the cold open going by having the SNL name and logo at the time changed to that of “The Eddie Murphy Show” just to keep the gag going? I can picture Don Pardo calling it by that title instead of “It’s Saturday Night Live.” Not to mention keeping that title on the stills coming in and out of commercial.

    1. They should have, SNLLover. They were already modifying the bumper photos, like they did for Chevy’s episode earlier in the season. Might as well go the extra mile.

    2. That might have pissed off the cast too much, since Eddie hosting and that line particularly were already seen as a “fuck you” by a lot of them.

    3. I think the cast should have mutual respect, but lets be honest here. SNL was basically dying at this point and Eddie Murphy saved it by himself. If he had not shoehorned himself into the show it would have been over in 1981 and today most people would not even remember it happened at all, except when they see a John Belushi movie and say to themselves “Oh yeah, he was on that weird late night sketch show. What was it called? Saturday Night Fever? I forget. Who cares. “

  14. Addendum to “Merry Christmas, Damnit!”: Earlier in the week, “Andy Williams’ Early New England Christmas” aired on CBS. His guests included Aileen Quinn (“Annie”). Up until now, I’d never considered that Lily Neil Warren might be playing Aileen. Coincidence? Maybe, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

  15. This comment is addressed to Shorty who said, “Today most people would not even remember (SNL) happened at all except when they see a John Belushi movie and say to themselves…” I’m thinking he’s primarily referring to either Animal House or The Blues Brothers since his other ones (Goin’ South, Old Boyfriends, Continental Divide, Neighbors) either has him in small roles or are considered obscure (though in the case of Neighbors, it’s probably more of indifference concerning both quality and the fact Belushi doesn’t play his typical role).

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