November 21, 1998 – Jennifer Love Hewitt / Beastie Boys (S24 E7)

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

Monica Lewinsky (MOS) & Linda Tripp (John Goodman) gab on phone & pig out

— A John Goodman cameo for the second consecutive episode, and for the third overall episode this season so far. Does he live in Studio 8H this season?
— I love Parnell on the other phone line as a desperate Kenneth Starr.
— I like the bit with Tripp and Lewinsky lying to each other about what they’re eating.
— A disgusting but funny part with Tripp being heard on the toilet during her and Lewinksy’s phone conversation.
STARS: ***½

host & Ben Willis (Muse Watson) sing “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”

— Nice touch with the SNL Band in the background wearing pilgrim outfits, due to this episode being near Thanksgiving.
— Funny reveal of the co-star who Jennifer Love Hewitt says she’s feuding with turning out to be the killer from the I Know What You Did Last Summer movies.
— Pretty funny visual of Jennifer holding the killer’s hook hand while he apologizes sincerely to her.
— I typically don’t care for musical numbers in monologues, but this one is fairly charming enough.
STARS: ***

Leon gives inappropriate advice & plugs Skanksgiving Day

— Funny bit with Leon Phelps mentioning his “Skanksgiving Dinner” event.
— Interesting turn with Leon actually showing emotions and getting teary-eyed when telling a caller about how important family is during Thanksgiving.
— Funny story from Leon about how he once shot his brother with a gun during one Thanksgiving dinner.
— Great ending with a rapidly-scrolling list of all the ladies Leon made love to this year. Some interesting names I caught in the rapidly-scrolling list were Jane Doe, Dolly Parton, Tawny Kittain [sic], and Balinda Carlise [sic].
STARS: ***½

Celine Dion’s (ANG) duets album proves she’s the best singer in the world

— I got nervous at first, thinking this was going to be another installment of the one-note Celine Dion Show talk show sketches, before remembering that this is a duets album sketch.
— Here’s our weekly spot-on Jimmy Fallon impression. His imitation of Michael Stipe’s dancing is particularly funny.
— Interesting that Jennifer is playing Jewel, just one episode after Jewel herself was a musical guest on SNL.
— Horatio’s Meat Loaf is cracking me up.
— While this sketch is basically repeating the same joke from the Celine Dion Show sketches, it’s coming off more fun in this different setting.
STARS: ***½

Antonio Banderas (CHK) paws coed (host)

— Unfortunately, unlike the preceding Celine Dion sketch, this does turn out to be the return of a one-note talk show sketch. I liked the first installment of this Antonio Banderas sketch enough, but can tell it will not hold up as a recurring sketch.
— After playing the main band member in the first installment of this sketch, Horatio is mysteriously absent in tonight’s installment. Jimmy’s mostly-silent band member from the first installment has now taken over Horatio’s place as the main band member and is given the same type of dialogue that Horatio had, and Darrell has been added as a new mostly-silent band member who’s basically doing what Jimmy did in the first installment. I’ve always wondered if the reason Horatio dropped out of this sketch is because he (or SNL) perhaps felt bad about playing such a broad Mexican stereotype so early into his tenure as SNL’s first Hispanic cast member.
— Some laughs from Kattan’s Banderas treating Jennifer’s breasts like two people.
— After one of the many times he teases taking off his shirt, I like Banderas briefly putting his hands on the top of his pants and asking if he should bring out his “friend”, referring to his penis.
— Overall, not quite as bad as I was expecting, but I still didn’t enjoy this as much as the first installment.
STARS: **½

candy stripers Craig & Arianna stumble upon pregnant classmate (host)

— The Cheerleaders make their first appearance in a quite a long while (for their standards). This ends up being their ONLY appearance this entire season, then they only appear once in the following season and that’s the last we ever see of them.
— I wonder if the only reason they’re doing a Cheerleaders sketch tonight is to keep up the tradition of doing these sketches whenever a Party Of Five cast member hosts in this era (Neve Campbell, Scott Wolf, and now Jennifer Love Hewitt).
— Interesting how Jennifer is playing Alexis, a previously-unseen character who Arianna usually always shouted at to off-camera in previous Cheerleaders sketches.
— Funny line from Craig about how this is only the second time he’s ever seen a vagina, the first being when his grandmother fell in the tub.
— A good use of Beastie Boys’ Ad-Rock.
STARS: ***

by RBS- The Ambiguously Gay Duo misses the subtext of fans’ letters

— Tonight’s recurring-heavy episode continues, as we get an Ambiguously Gay Duo cartoon, for the first time this season.
— Ah, a change of pace, with Ace and Gary reading fan mail.
— Big laughs from the increasingly perverted letters Ace and Gary are reading off.
— Very funny bit with the X-Ray Specs.
STARS: ****

COQ relates credentials of those involved in Clinton impeachment hearings

— A particularly good amount of funny lines during Colin’s opening straight-to-camera rant.
— Ah, finally, Colin ends an opening straight-to-camera rant with an actual segue into the Update opening title sequence, instead of SNL just abruptly cutting to the title sequence after Colin finishes a sentence in his rant.
— Colin is more marble-mouthed than ever in tonight’s Update, and that’s saying something.
— No guest commentaries in tonight’s overall Update.
STARS: **½

musical guest performs “3 MC’s and One DJ”

Clean Teen Deodorant Spokesperson Search finds Mary Katherine Gallagher

— Tonight’s recurring-heavy episode continues. Seeing the Cheerleaders and Mary Katherine Gallagher in the same episode makes this feel like an episode from 1996, back when both recurring sketches were at their peak of popularity and frequently appeared on the show. Am I in for a Roxbury Guys or Goat Boy sketch next, to complete the 1996 feel of tonight? (Obviously not, as Jim Breuer is no longer on the show at this point, and SNL retired the Roxbury Guys after their movie bombed earlier this season.)
— This Mary Katherine Gallagher sketch reminds me an awful lot of the one with Elle MacPherson, where MKG competed in a teen modeling contest. We even get Will playing the contest emcee in both MKG sketches, and doing a solid job both times.
— A good laugh from Cheri quickly doing an “f you” arm gesture towards the camera when she doesn’t get chosen as one of the finalists.
— Overall, some laughs, but MKG’s antics in this sketch had a bit of a tired feel, and this MKG installment paled in comparison to the similar one with Elle MacPherson. Even the Cheerleaders came off fresher tonight than MKG did, though it’s obvious that we’re nearing the end of the road for both recurring sketches. I can’t remember how many remaining MKG sketches there are during Molly’s tenure as a cast member. Off the top of my head, I can only remember the Black Angels one with Gwyneth Paltrow later this season (one of the better MKG sketches) and the Jewish basketball team one with Jerry Seinfeld at the beginning of the following season, plus a special quick musical number MKG performs with the SNL Band in Molly’s final episode as a cast member.
STARS: **½

Hollywood players (WIF) & (host) pitch to LOM


— Hey, an actual original sketch tonight.
— The use of slots reminds me of another gameshow sketch in this era: Food, Sex, or Cars.
— Speaking of the slots in this sketch, former one-season SNL cast member David Koechner can be seen among the rapidly-scrolling pictures of celebrities in one of the slots (screencap below).

— Speaking of former cast members, when a picture of Harry Anderson popped up in one of the slots, I actually thought that was Dana Carvey at first.
— I love the premise of this sketch, and it’s being executed well.
— I like the randomness of “the sound of a producer being serviced by a prostitute” being used to signal the show to go to the “Ultimate Pitch” round.
— This sketch now gets very meta, with Lorne being who Jennifer and Will have to pitch a movie to.
— A fun and solid sketch overall.
STARS: ****

musical guest performs “Sabotage”

Saddam Hussein’s (WIF) private bunker is marked by adolescent trappings

— Always good to see Will’s Saddam Hussein impression.
— Some good amusement from the inspectors teasing Saddam over the personal items they find in his bunker.
— A funny and charming mock-sentimental turn this sketch takes towards the end.
STARS: ***½


— Not as good as the long string of solid episodes that preceded this. This is the first episode all season that I don’t have a bunch of positive things to say about. That’s certainly not to say that this was a subpar episode, as I still enjoyed a good amount of the show, but the overall episode was a little too recurring-heavy for my likes, and there were barely any standout strong segments.


a step down

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here

Vince Vaughn

12 Replies to “November 21, 1998 – Jennifer Love Hewitt / Beastie Boys (S24 E7)”

  1. Can remember there was a controversy at this time with the “I know what you did” sequel being hyper sexualized and JLH having to defend it to the press. I believe she took a shot at Stern who was commenting/goofing on the situation. Kinda weird she was only 19 with all this going on.

    I believe I mentioned this in the Scott Wolf but I think JLH pitched a Cheerleaders sketch because she was a fan of the characters

  2. This episode had another crazy Comedy Central edit. I think the montage went directly to OOps I Crapped My Pants-goes to an actual commercial–the comes back to the monologue!

  3. It always struck me as odd that Cheri’s characters in this and the next MKG sketch in the Gwyneth Paltrow episode have different names from the already established Shelly Peterbuilt character she plays. She has the same wig and general personality, why the change?

  4. I love that you pointed out that JLH is Alexis! It wasn’t until I saw the older Comedy Central reruns after this episode that I put two and two together.

    And sixth grade me still remembers this:

    “Alexis, what happened?”
    “I got knocked up.”
    “What? Remember, the best sex is abstinence! SEX CAN WAIT, MASTURBATE!”

  5. Nice of Jennifer Love Hewitt to ask for Muse Nelson to appear on the show with her, but that monologue made me cringe. I ended up skipping through a fair amount of this episode, but I did, for once, watch the Cheerleaders sketch – the addition of the breast-feeding baby makes the goofy dance more entertaining.

    The game show sketch feels undercooked (the lack of audience interest may be one factor), but I did enjoy that until they got to the Frasier dog, every celeb was a former or future SNL host.

    This episode reinforces for me that while I love watching Tim Meadows on SNL, I just don’t have any strong interest in Ladies Man.

    The Ambiguously Gay Duo this time feels much funnier when they are reading out the letters from pervy fans rather than going back to the overused well of kids being disturbed by them.

    So I guess this is the last Beastie Boys appearance on SNL proper (they would go on to have the famous meeting with Elvis Costello on the anniversary special). A fond farewell to them – the ’94 performance was the highlight of the episode, easily.

  6. I do feel awful for Monica the way they mocked her weight battle like that. Poor girl just wanted to be loved and since she had low self esteem because of her weight, she latched onto any man showing her attention, even if he was married (she dated a married former high school teacher before she fucked Clinton). Mocking her weight so callously certainly pushed her into even more despair I’m sure. 1998 was probably hell for the 25-year-old Monica.

    I feel sympathetic towards her under-30 self. She clearly needed weekly therapy that she obviously wasn’t getting. Someone needed to intervene and help her work on her self esteem.

    And now look where she is today in 2020 just two months shy of her 47th birthday. She’s never been married and has no children, which are two things she always wanted. Sigh. Poor thing

    1. Your 2 for 2 on slightly troubling, entirely baffling fat-obsessed comments for the day. Congrats!

  7. Let’s Make It Happen and Food, Sex or Cars both resemble The Joker’s Wild, especially the former with the slot machine handles. I especially liked the ending where the losing contestant will never work in Hollywood again.

  8. Ahhh, more John Goodman as Linda Tripp. That never gets old.
    Sorry, sarcasm. I’m actually fed up with this. I really wish the writers had better imaginations. Again I don’t know if the SNL crew is obsessed with Clinton/Lewinsky or they just figured everyone else in America was and they had an obligation to keep it going.
    Hmm, they said “spunk” on TV. Which I assume must be OK. I dunno, I never worked for the FCC. Anyway the joke didn’t land that hard. Maybe it got more laughs at rehearsals. They’re relying more on young hosts and guests and toilet humor and sex humor. I have to assume they had instructions to appeal to a younger demographic.
    JLH is pretty, she can act, she can sing, but she isn’t terribly funny. Much like SMG before her she’s here cuz she’s popular and they need ratings.
    Ladies man is nice and depraved like always. I dont think I’ve seen them lean so heavily into Thanksgiving as much as tonight.
    Oh lord. So tired of Celine. Didn’t love the Antonio Banderas show last time and this time is no better.
    And we’re back to Rape Is Funny. I guess they thought this was cool back then. That the audience is mostly whistling and howling and not really laughing tells me a lot.
    The cheerleaders are better when they have some kind of story going on, and a variety of jokes. This one works well. Oh, and that may be the first time they said “masturbate” on SNL. Maybe. I dunno.
    Ace and Gary are fun. Robert Smigel always delivers. I can see why he left to make his own show.
    I made a long rant about how Colin sucks and then deleted it. We need him to be replaced. That’s all.
    Beastie Boys are a welcome distraction from the sketches.
    Mary Katherine is alright when she has a good little plot going on.
    Game shows are appreciated. Another reference to JLH not being pregnant. I guess they thought this would be a running gag and the audience would like it. No one laughed.
    I think the point of the sketch is Hollywood just craps out garbage at random and executives are stupid crazy.
    Something I learned from late night shows is that Sabotage sounds horrible live.
    “That guy from the Daily Show” would have been Craig Kilborn, which most people forgot about. When Jon Stewart took over he changed up the format and made it much funnier. Then 9/11 happened and he added in politics and politicians and other public figures. I see why this sketch was last, its kinda risky portraying Saddam as a regular human being, almost lovable.
    Not a great episode. I dont think they had much faith in JLH cuz she doesn’t appear in too many sketches and she rarely got laughs. This was again a good showcase for the main cast. I hope the writers aren’t getting worn out. Its not even Thanksgiving.

    1. This is hardly the first time they’ve used the word “masturbate” on SNL. They used it at least as far back as the Art Garfunkel episode from Season 3 (the “Tomorrow” sketch). It also appears in the John Larroquette episode from Season 14 (“Sex Life” sketch), the Robert Wagner episode from Season 15 (“Attack of the Masturbating Zombies” sketch), the Tom Hanks episode from Season 17 (“Mr. Belvedere Fan Club” sketch), and probably several others that I can’t think of off the top of my head.

    2. It was also used in the Spartan Cheerleaders sketch from the Season 21 Alec Baldwin episode (“Sex can wait, masturbate!”)

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