October 25, 2014 – Jim Carrey / Iggy Azalea (S40 E4)

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

Ebola czar Ron Klain (TAK) & Al Sharpton (KET) address public health

— As I said in a recent review, the constant then-topical Ebola virus mentions in these early season 40 episodes are relatable to our current COVID era.
— A few mild laughs from Taran’s Q&A session, but nothing special.
— The usual somewhat amusing comments from Kenan’s Al Sharpton.
— What was the point of having Beck as one of the reporters, when he has absolutely nothing to do or say at any point of this cold opening?
— Overall, while this cold opening wasn’t terrible, it was very forgettable, thus making this season now 0-for-4 in good cold openings. My goodness. I cannot remember the last season that started out with such a long consecutive losing streak with cold openings. Even the dreadful season 30 had at least one good cold opening by this point of that season.
STARS: **½

— SNL writer Leslie Jones has been added to the cast, due to popular demand after making some very noteworthy, scene-stealing sketch appearances and Weekend Update commentaries.

underworld rock & roll king Helvis (host) sings of his love for pecan pie

— Great costume from Jim Carrey upon his entrance.
— What was with the unseen voices of two(?) real audience members loudly howling “AWOOOOO!” in unison after Jim says Elvis Presley liked to raise a little hell? Or was that sound of men howling  “AWOOOOO!” just a planned sound effect played by SNL?
— Solid Elvis voice from Jim.
— (*sigh*) Yet another musical monologue. At least this has a fairly fun and out-of-the-ordinary concept for one, though.
— Meh, there’s SNL’s usual unnecessary habit of having a few cast members play cheesy backup dancers during a host’s musical monologue.
— Hmm, hate to say it, but nothing particularly funny at all is happening during the song, and I’m kinda starting to lose interest. Jim’s charm and fun energy is the only thing really carrying the song.
— Good ol’ Bobby shows up to add a little comedy. Love the way he pops into frame from under the camera as soon as his character is called.
— A nice wide shot of the studio during the camera pan-out at the end.
STARS: **½

Matthew McConaughey (host) rolls a booger while driving his Lincoln

— A hilarious and spot-on spoof of Matthew McConaughey’s Lincoln ads, and this spoof is also serving as a reminder of what a good impressionist Jim can be at times.
— I think this is SNL’s very first mention of Uber, which I’m pointing out because of the excessive number of Uber mentions that the (infamous) following Chris Rock-hosted episode is said by SNL fans to contain. (I personally only remember one Uber mention in that entire episode, but we’ll see how many there are.)
— Very funny comment from Jim’s McConaughey about his agent telling him it would’ve made sense to do these Lincoln commercials after doing the movie The Lincoln Lawyer.
STARS: ****

(Jeff Daniels) & other kin are like host’s characters at family reunion

— A variation of the Walken Family Reunion sketch from Christopher Walken’s season 33 hosting stint.
— Leslie’s first sketch appearance as a cast member, and she already has a great little moment with her over-the-top laughing response to a mild joke of Jim’s, followed by her saying a well-delivered “You are so crazy, Jim Carrey!”
— I like seeing Jim and Taran play off of each other here, reminding me of their fun chemistry at some parts of Jim’s previous season 36 hosting stint.
— The set-up to the Cable Guy bit is (intentionally) predictable in a very fun way.
— A very solid Fire Marshal Bill from Cecily.
— I really like how, as a contrast to the Walken Family Reunion sketch, this sketch is featuring the cast imitating the host’s movie characters instead of imitating the host himself. (I’ve heard that the later Sandler Family Reunion sketch, which I’ve yet to see, takes that same route.) It makes the sketch feel less redundant in that way, and I’d say this cast is more successful at these Carrey movie character impressions than most of the season 33 cast was at their Walken impressions.
— A nice cameo from Jeff Daniels, complete with him fittingly dressed as Jim’s Dumb & Dumber character.
— I remember that, when I watched this episode during its original airing, I assumed the guy in the Riddler costume at the end of this was just an uncredited extra, until a backstage photo of Pete in the Riddler costume surfaced online shortly after the show. Watching this sketch now with that knowledge, it’s strangely kinda endearing to see Pete imitating Carrey’s trademark mannerisms, as it feels so different from the type of acting Pete usually does on the show.
STARS: ****

with kids in his Lincoln, Matthew McConaughey (host) channels Rust Cohle

— Funny reveal of two kids unexpectedly being in the backseat of the car during all of this rambling of Jim’s McConaughey, then we get an even funnier reveal that he has no idea who’s kids those are.
STARS: ****

unscary dead guys Paul (TAK) & Phil (host) haunt a graveyard on Halloween

— Odd how this is the second consecutive live sketch with Bobby’s entire face painted a color. Did they just quickly slap all of this gray face paint over his green face paint from the previous sketch? It’s just amusing to me to imagine that, under all that gray he’s wearing on his skin in this sketch, his skin is entirely green.
— Another fun pairing of Jim and Taran.
— This clearly must be an early Mikey Day/Streeter Seidell writing collaboration, as this sketch’s concept not only has Day & Seidell’s familiar fingerprints all over it, but the specific “non-scary, musical, meme-ish, catchphrase-driven characters among a group of legitimately scary horror characters” theme is very reminiscent of Day & Seidell’s iconic David S. Pumpkins sketch from a few seasons later. This Paul & Phil sketch is basically the lesser-remembered precursor to David S. Pumpkins.
— Great “SHUT UPPPP!” outbursts from Bobby right now.
— I can’t find much else to say about the sketch itself. I’m enjoying it, and Jim and Taran are certainly fun, but I don’t find this sketch to be nearly as outstanding or as noteworthy as some of Day & Seidell’s later sketches with a similar theme (not just David S. Pumpkins, but, say, the Kevin Roberts sketch with Larry David, which is my personal favorite version of all these sketches).
STARS: ***½

Matthew McConaughey (host) runs over Allstate spokesman Dennis Haysbert (KET) in his Lincoln

— An absolutely classic turn with Kenan’s Dennis Haysbert ironically getting run over by a car out of absolutely nowhere while in the middle of doing an Allstate commercial, followed by another absolutely priceless reveal of a meditating Jim-as-Matthew-McConaughey behind the wheel of the car, continuing the Lincoln runner of tonight. A simply perfect conclusion to this runner.
STARS: *****

musical guest performs “Fancy”

musical guest & Rita Ora [real] perform “Black Widow”

romantic comedy expert Daisy Rose (VAB) forces meet-cute script on MIC

Drunk Uncle complains about feeling tricked & mistreated by Halloween

— Meh, didn’t the cold opening earlier tonight already make that Ebola joke about New York City now officially having every disease?
— Yeesh, Colin’s delivery of his opening run of Ebola jokes was pretty bad, which shows that, as much as I’ve been liking him on Update this season, he still certainly has some growing to do until he reaches the stage where he’s officially become a reliable co-anchor.
— Love the bit with Michael comparing Ebola to black people.
— A one-off(?) Update character for Vanessa, which I have absolutely no memory of. This could be interesting.
— Already, early in this commentary, Vanessa’s doing an absolutely spot-on and very funny spoof of typical “meet cute” tropes from romcoms.
— Michael is playing off of Vanessa perfectly, as he has some hilarious reactions and one-liners towards her.
— An overall very strong Vanessa commentary. I’m surprised by how much I had forgotten about this little gem from her until now.
— After a bumpy start at the beginning of tonight’s Update, Colin has gotten better, especially his “I thought ‘convicted sex offender’ was Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’s key demographic” punchline, which feels like the type of ballsy joke he’d do in more recent seasons. And Michael’s been having a few strong jokes tonight, too, especially his “sex study being perfected last night by…ya momma” punchline.
— Maybe I spoke a little too soon about Michael, as that brass knuckle/meth pipe joke of his was lame as HELL. However, something about his kiddie delivery of that joke’s punchline tickled me. It felt so odd hearing him talk in that kiddie voice.
— An absolutely PRICELESS beginning to Drunk Uncle’s commentary, where he, upon reacting very negatively to seeing Michael (for obvious reasons), actually scoots his own chair aaaallll the way over to the opposite side of the Update desk (I love how Michael can be heard incredulously asking “Are you seri–?” at one point during that) so he’s now sitting next to Colin for the remainder of this commentary. Not only was that an absolute riot, but that move of Drunk Uncle’s certainly has to be a first in Weekend Update history.
— (*sigh*) SNL, please STOP with that beyond-tired “That’s not me” “That’s not anyone” exchange in EVERY DAMN ONE one of these otherwise solid Drunk Uncle commentaries. Not even the audience laughed at that exchange tonight.
— Tonight’s Drunk Uncle commentary as a whole, while funny, was a little too average for his standards, and not one of his more standout commentaries. However, that fantastic “Drunk Uncle scoots his chair all the way from Michael’s side of the Update desk to Colin’s side” opening gag alone is one of the highlights of this entire episode.
STARS: ***

eccentric & elderly (host) seeks to pair with (CES)


— Jim accidentally enters the shot briefly while trying to discreetly take his seat as the camera is on Taran and Cecily.
— Something about this sketch is already giving off a bit of a dire, worrisome vibe, but I’ll try to remain open-minded towards this sketch.
— It’s now a minute later, and that dire/worrisome feel is sadly continuing. Maybe it’s something about Jim’s EXTREMELY slow-paced delivery as this character that’s hurting my enjoyment.
— Okay, that whole very-detailed story from Jim’s character regarding pleasuring himself in a hot air balloon and falling 3,000 feet was actually very funny.
— An even funnier detailed story from Jim right now, about an airplane hangar filled with 250 men named Dennis and one named Brian, and Jim theorizing how’d they all react.
— Cecily has some funny little straitlaced responses, especially her responding to one of Jim’s disturbing stories by innocently saying “Aww, I love seafood!”
— Overall, I have very mixed feelings on this sketch. It had such a bad and worrisome first two minutes, then suddenly became much funnier with some of Jim’s disturbing stories, but even with that upswing, the sketch still had a bit of an “off” feel to it, and I still can’t help but feel that Jim’s extremely slow-paced delivery hurt some of the humor of this sketch for me.
STARS: I’m still torn, but I’ll give it *** as a whole, just on the strength of that brilliant “Dennis/Brian” story

(LEJ) gets spooked during paranormal search

— A good first major showcase for Leslie as a cast member.
— A simple premise and simple writing, but Leslie is selling it very well with her character’s skepticism and various frightened reactions.
STARS: ****

amid zombie attacks, (host) maintains his undead son (PED) isn’t infected

— A much funnier character voice from Jim here than in the Secret Millionaire sketch.
— The timing seems really off at certain points of this sketch. Odd long pauses and such, particularly when Jim is clearly very late on his cue when he’s supposed to feed Pete pieces of brains from his pockets.
— Funny interaction between Pete and Jay.
— Good zombie growls from Pete throughout this.
— Overall, despite a few laughs, this, much like the Secret Millionaire sketch, suffered from having too much of an “off” and dragging feeling, except, unlike the Secret Millionaire sketch, this one didn’t have enough merits to earn it a decent rating.

for office costume contest, (host) & (KAM) dance a la “Chandelier” video

— I love the controlled frustration in Sasheer’s delivery when correcting Vanessa by saying “……I’m Vanna White.”
— The whole sequence at the beginning of this sketch with Vanessa’s really bad guesses on what each co-worker’s Halloween costume is is fantastic, so much so, that I could watch an entire five-minute sketch with just Vanessa doing that. I especially love her confusing poor Aidy’s non-costume red dress as her being dressed as a meatball, which gets great reactions from Aidy.
— Fun concept of a Chandelier-themed Carrey/McKinnon dance-off in the office.
— Oh, hell yeah. I love the fourth wall-break turn with the Carrey/McKinnon dance-off going from the sketch’s set to all throughout SNL’s studio. It feels like you rarely, if ever, see a recent SNL season like this have a fourth wall-break that goes this extensive.
— So many fun antics from Jim and Kate in their around-the-studio dance-off, with them even now going through some of the sets from tonight’s earlier sketches. All of this is fantastic.
— I will say the Lorne bit was meh and kinda unnecessary, but it was brief enough not to particularly hurt the great vibe this sketch has going.
— More and more as Jim and Kate’s around-the-studio dance-off continues, this sketch is having a truly epic feel, the type of epic feel that kinda gives me goosebumps and makes me feel like I’m witnessing something truly special. In fact, when this originally aired, I remember this was among the number of Kate McKinnon moments from 2014-2017 that made me feel like I was watching a legend in the making.
— Excellent random ending with Aidy unexpectedly winning the office costume contest, which gets a perfect exaggerated puzzled reaction from her.
STARS: *****

musical guest & MØ [real] perform “Beg For It”

Geoff’s (host) Halloween Emporium proprietor is possessed by a demon

— Interesting pairing of Vanessa and Cecily in this speaking-straight-to-the-camera ad, making this kinda feel like a bizarro universe version of the ex-porn stars sketches.
— Great vocal modifier on Jim.
— Jim’s vocalizations and mugging are priceless. You can tell that, at one point, Jim is attempting to crack Vanessa and Cecily up, but those two are such pros that they don’t bat an eye.
— Unless I’m forgetting something, it had been a long time since SNL last broke out the ol’ vomit tubes prior to this sketch. A nice disgusting touch with the vomit in this particular sketch being black/dark brown, which perfectly fits Jim’s demon character.
STARS: ***½


— While definitely not having the overall classic feel that a Jim Carrey-hosted episode should have (and did have, in Jim’s beloved first hosting stint), this was still certainly a good episode, and received a nice amount of sketch ratings in the high 4-5-star range from me (granted, three of those were the Lincoln three-part runner).


Office Costume Contest
Allstate / Lincoln (Part 3)
Lincoln (Part 1)
Carrey Family Reunion
Lincoln (Part 2)
Ghosts: Fact Or Fiction?
Geoff’s Halloween Emporium
Graveyard Song
Weekend Update
Secret Billionaire
Ebola Press Conference
High School

a slight step up

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here

Chris Rock / Prince

21 Replies to “October 25, 2014 – Jim Carrey / Iggy Azalea (S40 E4)”

  1. Fun fact:

    Leslie Jones, the oldest cast addition in Saturday Night Live history is only seven months older than the youngest cast addition in Saturday Night Live history, Anthony Michael Hall.

    1. It’s very likely that the reason that Daniels was there as his D&D character, and why Carrey hosted, was to promote the then-recent release of Dumb and Dumber To. Which would make sense, considering Universal released it.

  2. Oh man the Chris Rock episode next. I can remember posters at the old s-n-l.com board pointing out how depressed the cast looked in the goodnights of that episode

    1. Well that episode is notoriously poorly paced and gaff filled. Also, we’ve been praising Leslie a good deal so far, but MAN does she fuck up in the next episode, and gives a preview of just how greens she’s gonna be in live sketches for a while.

    2. Don’t forget there’s a Shark Tank parody that made a lot of people, including myself, uncomfortable.

  3. The “Pecan Pie” song in the monologue comes from a silly short film that Jim Carrey made with Michel Gondry while filming Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14KwkNiiQP4 Feels like an inside joke that dies when it’s shared with a wider group, but the energy of the performance is fun.

    The first half of the episode is the strongest, with “Carrey Family Reunion-” I love seeing almost everyone in the cast take a crack at portraying his characters- and the super entertaining McConaughey runner. But, my favorite sketch was in the second half- “Costume Contest.”

  4. You know, even though these first few eps are shaky, as we’ve said, Pratt is still the only episode I’ve disliked, and every episode since has had not only some good stuff, but at least one 5 star sketch. Though we are due for a stinker. Let’s see what’s tomor…oh. Well at least I’ll get to watch those awesome Prince performances again.

    If you don’t like S40’s opens Stooge, wait till season 46, we’re 9 episodes in an have had 2 halfway decent opens and 7 terrible ones.

    Carrey Family Reunion is a lot of fun, but honestly maybe my least favorite of the 3 family reunion sketches. This is past the era of Bill, Kristen (whose impression skills usually get underrated in favor of her other talents, but there are several people she can dead-on sound like) & Darrell, and before we’d get Melissa & Chloe so the show didn’t really have an impressionist at this point. There was Jay of course, but strong as he is technically, he never brought much personality to his impressions, I think I prefer Chris. Taran was also solid, but at this point they’d force guys like Kyle to do impressions, and they never could pull it off.

    Meanwhile, Walken family reunion has Amy, whose bit about “spooky ghosts” always kills me, and the Sandler one has Melissa & Leslie. I won’t spoil who they’re playing for Stooge, but Melissa especially had me ON THE FLOOR. Even Pete’s pretty great in that one. Hell, I even like the return of two cast members I absolutely do NOT need to see from these days.

    I remember realizing we were towards the end of the Iggy Azalea “moment” live during her second song. I don’t love either of the songs from her first performance, but I get why they were big, especially “Fancy”. But the song from the second one just seemed so sterile and flaccid (and the singer so out of her element) that I was sure she was on her way out.

    I think Kate had enough great moments she’ll ultimately be considered a legend, Stooge. I agree she’s been coasting HARD the last 4 or so seasons, but the casual fan won’t remember that. She’ll be remembered for Hillary, the alien abduction sketches & Justin Bieber rather than stuff like Dr. Weknowdis (get ready for that character, by the way, Stooge).

    1. The Hillary material tends to be the turning point for Kate’s time on SNL – from them on, she has had so many of these increasingly sincere and borderline maudlin political impressions. They helped to endear her to a different audience that may not have connected as much to her past work (or, apparently, any of her films…).

      Kate’s work has more joy in it these earlier seasons, and feels less ‘mainstream,’ but it’s not that different to me from then to now, outside of the dire political material. The main problem is no one can really sustain a full decade of being a star of the show. (Kenan has always been much more of an ensemble player) I suppose it’s a credit to Kate that after being one of the central faces of the show for 8-9 years now, she’s still well-liked and many aren’t just waiting for her to finally go.

    2. The past two seasons have seen serious coasting from Kate, which saddens me because like Stooge she was easily my favourite from Season 40-42. I think she’s done all that she can do and just stayed too long.
      Not as dire as Fred Armisen or Darrell Hammond but I’d like her to leave this season to preserve her legacy a bit.

    3. I loved Kate during this period and I still like her, but her last few seasons have felt like…that senior in high school who’s slacking and wisecracking her way through a course filled with earnest underclassmen. She has become a terrible straight woman, she laughs way too much in sketches, and just seems to basically mug/demand attention in too many appearances.

      I like the graveyard sketch in this episode, but I like the similar one with Chance the Rapper singing about the stupid way he died slightly better. I know some people don’t care for these Day/Seidell sketches (they do have a very identifiable formula, especially the trope where the straight man/men continually express confusion or exasperation), but to me they have a very consistent, enjoyable feel, far preferable to me than other formula sketches.


    Mike O’Brien Film – The Kids

    Super Big Heads
    ~ Closing time at the toy store. Mac the janitor (Kenan) complains to Gayle the supervisor (Leslie) about the creepy new doll display: a blue wall with 7 dolls mounted (performers poked heads through holes & manipulated the doll bodies from behind the wall). Gayle shrugs it off and leaves. Dolls (Carrey, Bobby, Aidy, Vanessa, Kate, Jay, Taran) immediately call Mac a “lil bitch” & other insults. Kate flashes her underwear to further taunt Mac. Dolls sing to the tune of Backstreet Boys: “Everybody / Rock your body / Everybody / Mac’s a slut, ALL RIGHT!” Mac rips off Jim’s body and screams at everyone. (I didn’t understand this part: Carrey’s head was just “floating” after the body was ripped off.) Gayle returns and Mac runs away. Dolls begin to taunt her until she yells at them in a Leslie-Jones-way

    Candy Bucket
    ~ Living room: son (Mooney in TMNT Leonardo costume) tells mom (Vanessa) that he emptied out his candy bucket. Inside the bucket, apple (Aidy) laments being forgotten. A penny (Carrey) and black licorice (Pharoah) join in the moaning. Hip, scatting Kit Kat bar (Kenan) celebrates that he’ll be the surprise candy that the kid forgot about. “Kit Kat bop!” Spastic circus peanut (Bobby) whines about being the worst candy of all time. They all sing a song: “We are the trash of Hall-o-ween / Everyone thinks we are dis-gus-teen” before the kid dumps them all out of the bucket
    ~ cool high angles from above the bucket, but there was definitely more potential to the premise than what was presented
    ~ bucket set on home base: large orange wrap-around curtain with a jack-o’-lantern face in the back

    Update – A Sports Fan (Mooney)
    ~ Che: World Series, NBA, and NFL seasons are heating up, so here to comment: A Sports Fan. He clearly doesn’t know anything, but still talks about his team: the All Starters from Grand City. He berates Che for not knowing who “Pret Markers” is. “Tobbles and Pret Markers are bros!” Ended with Mooney getting the audience to chant “32! 32! 32!”
    ~ same character and jacket as in this video:
    ~ later, Jost stumbled during the “Peyton Manning record” joke, then cracked, “I don’t want Sports Fan all over me for that”

    Good Neighbor – Robbers
    ~ airs next week; this version made some changes since being cut from the premiere that stay intact when it airs: Aidy’s scene ends differently, ending with Vanessa as vet secretary is cut, marble scene added


    Ebola open: Beck as reporter #4 had a line I don’t remember ** at the end, Sharpton brings Obama back up. They talk shortly before Pharoah says LFNY,iSN! while Kenan gives a thumbs up

    band shot: guitarist wore ghoulish make-up! Should’ve kept it on for the live show

    Sia: Lorne actually attempted to do the dance for a quick bit, instead of politely declining

    Update: Che’s ebola rant longer, ending with him asking how long it’ll be until the white hazmat suit has a pointed top. Jost had the next joke: “I hate that the camera just cut to me after that”, which would become a sometimes-staple of these Updates ** Drunk Unc called Colin “Seth” again ** Drunk’s punchline to “black/white/red” joke: “I don’t know, either, but it’s not dating MY daughter!” Then his daughter, Swiggy Azalea, comes out and attempts to act. Iggy didn’t play drunk very well; at one point, she was supposed to say “Immigrants!” like her dad, but missed her cue, causing some dead air. When she finally (half-heartedly) said it, Bobby quipped “That was a little late!”, which got a good laugh. Smart choice to not give Iggy any comedy pieces tonight

    cemetery song: after the riddle, Sasheer & Pete were gone. Everyone decided to have a dance party anyway to end the sketch. All the beer stuff was added for the live show

    Secret Billionaire: puppy’s outfit “an exact replica of the suit JFK was assassinated in” ** “gift/warning” line still the same

    Lincoln #3: McConaughey flicked his booger out the window, but then his voice-over remembers that he forgot to roll down the window

    Carrey fam: Vanessa & Beck talked out of their butts for a while longer


    Ebola czar
    LINCOLN #1

    zombie apocalypse
    LINCOLN #2

    Carrey fam
    cemetery song

    Iggy Azalea #1 +f- Rita Ora

    Sports Fan (CUT)
    Daisy Rose
    Drunk Uncle (Swiggy Azalea CUT)

    Secret Billionaire
    LINCOLN #3

    candy bucket (CUT)
    Super Big Heads (CUT)

    costume contest

    Iggy Azalea #2 +f- MØ

    Geoff’s Halloween Emporium


    1. Man that first rejected sketch sounds awful, and the second one sounds like it came straight out of season 6. Good choice not to have Azalea do a bit, I’ve seen her in interviews and things and she really doesn’t have much charisma. I love that Good Neighbor video / character, wish Kyle had ended up bringing him to the show.

    2. That second sketch sounds a little like the reject Christmas ornaments one from when Matt Damon hosted.

  6. “This Paul & Phil sketch is basically the lesser-remembered precursor to David S. Pumpkins.” I’d say Kevin Roberts takes that title. Now can a bitch get a donut?

    1. Haha, I see Stooge mentions that right after. Really have to finish these reviews before I rush to comment.

  7. Smallest nitpick ever, but I don’t like how Carrey Family Reunion is the very first live sketch here. The Walken and Sandler ones came later in their respective episodes and that helped a lot energy-wise, whereas here it felt like the episode was shooting its shot too early.

  8. Speaking from my experience with applying stage makeup during quick changes (including a production of Shrek the Musical where we had to quickly change Fiona into an ogre a few times during the show), regarding Bobby’s makeup change from green to grey:

    His head looks to be covered by a green cap/mask that covers his hair, eyebrows, ears, jaw and chin.
    The part of his face that isn’t covered by the cap/mask is painted green and the paint is blended into the cap/mask to look like one entire mask like in the movie.
    Following the sketch, they probably ripped the cap off and coated Bobby’s face, neck and ears in grey paint (covering the green paint) and finished off with the matching wig.

    Just my theories from studying his makeup in the sketches, I could be totally off though!

  9. Even though he’s no longer with us and had stopped hosting by this point, a family reunion sketch with Robin Williams would have been epic. It would have been fun to see the cast’s various takes on Robin Williams and his movie characters. We kinda got that when he hosted in 1988, but a guy can dream.

    I think a Family Reunion sketch would have been great considering what they did with Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler. Personally, I think Williams has some strong similarities with Carrey and Sandler.

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