January 23, 2016 – Ronda Rousey / Selena Gomez (S41 E11)

NOTE: Saturday Net, the SNL episode guide I usually borrow my sketch synopses from, is currently down (hopefully only temporarily). When/if the site comes back up, I’ll edit the sketch synopses for this episode into this review.

UPDATE: Saturday Net is back up! I’ve gone and edited the sketch synopses for this episode into this review.

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

Donald Trump (DAH) comments on Sarah Palin’s (TIF) rambling endorsement

— Tina Fey makes a cameo just two episodes after co-hosting, but given the real-life Sarah Palin endorsement this cold opening is spoofing, it’s understandable why SNL brought Tina back so soon.
— Ugh, I am not liking the running bit with Darrell’s Donald Trump being the voice of reason by giving asides to the camera about how crazy Sarah Palin is. A very bad take on Trump here, and it’s aged even worse over time. A shame how much this is souring this whole cold opening, because Tina’s lines here as Palin are funny as usual so far.
— The bit towards the end with Tina’s Palin giving an aside of her own to the camera came off really weak and corny, though it ended well.

host ensures successful monologue by invoking pandering audience-pleasers

— A pretty fun format to this monologue, with it being treated as a boxing match, right down to having Cecily occasionally pass by the camera as a ring girl.
— Kenan is perfectly cast in this role.
— Good execution of this monologue’s concept.
STARS: ***½

Best Actor nominees are all white guys in mostly African-American movies


— Odd how Ronda Rousey’s only appearance in this sketch is a briefly-shown non-speaking role as Taran’s wife/girlfriend, which has her doing nothing but smiling at Taran while sitting next to him as his name gets called as one of the nominees. That role of Ronda’s might as well have been played by an extra, but I guess SNL couldn’t find any other role for Ronda to play in this sketch. I take it that, due to her lack of acting experience, SNL didn’t feel she could pull off Cecily’s role here?
— Pete is very funny as “Lil Q” in the Straight Outta Compton-esque scene.
— Surprisingly strong dramatic acting from Michael.
— Hilarious progression to how each movie clip of the white nominees features them playing increasingly insignificant roles while un-nominated black actors perform circles around them.
— The look on Jay’s face when Bobby tries to high-five him is making me laugh so much.
— The ending felt like it could’ve been a little funnier.
STARS: ****

bullied new girl (host) retaliates with mixed martial arts

— Great reveal of the very cruel, elaborate prank that was played on Ronda, concocted by Vanessa as a typical high school mean girl.
— Kate’s delivery of “Say hi….to the whole school!” cracked me up.
— A huge laugh from the sudden well-deserved hit that Vanessa’s mean girl character receives from Ronda’s timid character.
— This short is getting funnier and funnier as Vanessa keeps sustaining hits from Ronda while trying to act unaffected and maintain her mean girl image. A solid use of Ronda’s fighting skills, and, much like the pre-taped Santa Baby and Golden Globes shorts earlier this season, Vanessa is fantastic here playing against type. Mark this as yet another entry in the “Outstanding Vanessa Bayer performances from her final two seasons” category.
— I usually have mixed feelings towards surprise PSA twists at the end of sketches, but I liked this twist decently enough.
STARS: ****½

bachelorettes throw themselves at reality show vanilla Bland Man (TAK)

— The second in the series of annual Bachelor/ “Can I steal him for a sec?” sketches.
— Taran’s selling his comically bland role well.
— Sasheer: “I’m the black one.” Taran: “(immediately) Let me walk you out.” Sasheer: “Wait…”
— I’m not sure that Ronda’s delivery is working for me here, and it’s not blending in all that well with the delivery that the female cast members are using in this.
— I’m not finding the ladies’ lines quite as funny here as I did in the first installment of this sketch, but it’s still working decently.
— Selena Gomez is actually blending in with the female cast members’ acting style in this sketch better than Ronda is.
— The reveal of Selena playing herself didn’t make me laugh anywhere near as much as the reveal of Leslie doing the same in the first installment of this sketch.
STARS: ***

musical guest performs “Good For You” & “Same Old Love”

reporting from outside during a blizzard, (BOM) says “it’s not that bad”

LEJ imagines what it will be like after she & Leonardo DiCaprio have sex

follow-up report finds (BOM) frozen stiff

Willie has an unjustifiably cheery attitude toward winter weather

— Great rant Michael does about the Oscars boycott. I especially laughed at his digs at the movie Brooklyn.
— Hilarious bit from Leslie regarding making a ham sandwich after sex.
— Another huge laugh from Leslie, this time with her demonstrating a “laugh-gasm”.
— Leslie’s commentary in general about Leonardo DiCaprio is the usual great Leslie commentary, and I also like the running side bit with her accusing Colin of being jealous.
— An okay bit with Bobby as Your Friend Who Always Says “It’s Not That Bad”, and it provides a nice change of pace for Update. It reminds me a bit of something Rachel Dratch once did on Update in the season 30 Paul Giamatti episode, but I like Bobby’s version a little better.
— Willie!
— Willie: “It’s like the asbestos removal crew said: ‘My god, there’s somebody alive in here!’”
— Tonight’s overall Willie commentary was surprisingly short and didn’t have nearly as many quote-worthy lines as usual, but the commentary was still funny, even with Kenan flubbing his last punchline.
STARS: ****

trial reveals teacher (CES) & (host) threesome made Gavin Daly a teen legend


— I liked the first installment of this sketch, but there’s absolutely NO REASON to do a second installment, and this isn’t the type of thing that’s going to work nearly as well in a rehash.
— Kenan is at least very solid again in his supporting role as the judge.
— Taran is strangely stumbly with several of his lines here.
— Much like in the previous installment of this sketch, I’m tired of the constant cutaways to Cecily (and now Ronda) delivering coy one-liners, and the audience apparently agrees with me, judging from their lack of response to those one-liners.
STARS: **½

all superhero team members must introduce themselves before saving city


— I’m currently three minutes into this, and while I kinda like the concept, absolutely none of the comedy in this sketch has been making me laugh so far. However, something about Pete’s silly, giddy performance during his brief bit as Noodle Man at least put a smile on my face (and, for some reason, reminded me of the Nickelodeon sketch show All That), despite the fact that he wasn’t given any funny material at all here.
— I’m noticing throughout tonight’s episode that the audience is quite dead at certain points. I certainly can’t blame them in this sketch.
— I finally got a laugh, from Aidy’s mere delivery of her spiel, though, like what I said about Pete in this sketch, that’s more of a compliment of the performer than the material itself, as the dialogue Aidy’s been given here is nothing special.
— Ugh at Jon as “Fire Butt”. We also get what appeared to be a very delayed fart sound effect during this part, not that the sound effect playing on cue would’ve made that bit funny.
— Overall, a flop.

(BEB)’s small penis undermines male trio’s sexy nightclub coaxing rap

— Beck’s providing some pretty good laughs in his stiff, unnatural attempts to speak suavely like Jay and Taran.
— Feels rare to see Beck starring in a rap short. He’s fun here.
— Love the sudden tone change with the very negative reaction everyone has to Beck rudely shoving Kate.
STARS: ***½

Bakersfield city council hears more requests from eccentric citizens

— The second and final installment of this sketch.
— Tonight’s episode has a bigger-than-usual-in-this-era reliance on rehashed sketches, presumably because the writers were trying to go for an easy week due to Ronda being a non-actor.
— A big laugh from Leslie quickly saying “Bye!” and immediately walking out in response to the announcement that people unable to express their opinion without using foul language should leave.
— Kenan and Ronda’s scene is doing nothing for me.
— Overall, I could barely find anything to say about the content of this sketch, and I’m not sure what to say about this sketch as a whole. I didn’t find this sketch to be bad, but I felt it was a slight step down from the first installment of it, though the sketch wasn’t weak enough for me to give a rating less than three stars (the rating I gave the first installment of it).
STARS: ***

musical guest performs “Hands To Myself”

(BEB) & (KYM) reveal themselves to be clueless about party protocol

— Big night for Beck.
— Interesting at this point to see a Beck/Kyle-led piece that’s live instead of pre-taped. Speaking of which, SNL’s reliance on Beck/Kyle pre-taped pieces seems to have gradually disappeared over the course of this season so far.
— A very simplistic conceit to this sketch, but it’s definitely working for me, and Beck and Kyle are executing their offbeat characters well.
STARS: ***½

— Rerun from 12/5/15.
— The re-airing of this ad is very significant, as it’s the final instance of SNL ever re-airing a fake ad in a new episode. That’s surprising to me, given how it had long been a tradition for SNL to do that, though the number of re-aired fake ads had slowly-but-noticeably diminished the last few seasons prior to this. Does it have anything to do with how available SNL’s new material has become online in recent years? (I know some people have speculated that that’s possibly the reason why recent seasons have cut back so much on recurring sketches.)


— A forgettable episode, despite a decent number of good things. Something also felt a bit off about this episode, possibly due to a combo of Ronda Rousey’s visible lack of acting experience (though she wasn’t particularly bad for athlete host standards), the unusual-for-this-era number of rehashed sketches, the unusual number of flubbed lines from performers (almost rivaling that of the preceding season’s Chris Rock episode), and the aforementioned subdued audience.


Love Struck
Screen Guild Awards
Weekend Update
At The Club
Football Party
Bland Man
Citizens Forum
Three’s A Crime: The Janet Johnson-Luna And Kara Torkelson Civil Trial
Trump Rally
Super Crew

a big step down

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here

Larry David

20 Replies to “January 23, 2016 – Ronda Rousey / Selena Gomez (S41 E11)”

  1. Oh, I completely forgot his “I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it” line originated within the campaign. Even his truth-telling makes him despicable

  2. “I’m noticing throughout tonight’s episode that the audience is quite dead at certain points.”

    I’ve heard people speculate this was due to them having a smaller audience than usual because of a snowstorm that was happening at the time.

  3. “Selena Gomez is actually blending in with the female cast members’ acting style in this sketch better than Ronda is.”

    Makes sense, the Disney camp train those kids to play broad and know how to perform live, so they’re usually pretty comfortable at SNL (I think Ariana Grande may be the one who impressed me most out of that camp though in her upcoming episode).

  4. I was still on my hiatus at this time, but I remember hearing a lot about the cold open so decided to watch it; I was immediately pissed off by the attempt to make Trump seem reasonable. (or that was how I took it, anyway). If memory serves, they again had Tina Fey just saying a lot of what Palin actually said in the speech. As many remarked at the time, Fey has actually looked more like Palin as the years have passed, so the impression remains uncanny.

    Unlike a lot of episodes by this point, the pre-tapes from this episode are not on Youtube (or are blocked in the US, possibly) and the first one is not even on the NBC site (I found it on Facebook). I wonder why…

    That first pre-tape is similar to the blood pre-tape with Chris Hemsworth in that I appreciate them trying something different from the norm, as well as the escalation into more gore or violence, so this isn’t a criticism, more just that it’s not something I enjoy watching. Still, it’s a good use of Rousey’s talents and a great example of Vanessa’s many comic sides.

    The second pre-tape is a pretty decent use of Beck’s ability to mine laughs out of projecting confidence over humiliation – my favorite part is probably the “jacket on, shirt on, hat on…” and when he lowers his jeans to reveal more jeans. Taran feels somewhat out of place in this, as he often does to me in his last few seasons. Fittingly, I guess, Beck, who took a lot of Taran’s burden when he left (Mikey taking the rest), also started to feel out of place around his 6-7 season point, although he’s managed to mostly turn that around in his (I assume) final season.

    I do agree with you about Rousey’s line readings, but this was a very “up” cast, which can wear thin at times, so her more mumbled, awkward deliveries serve as a contrast. This worked best in the Bachelor sketch, because, to be honest, all the baby voices and cutesy deliveries wear thin (it’s one of the reasons I wish they didn’t bring this back every year). The only part of this I enjoyed was Aidy’s role as she had some genuinely crazy and funny asides.

    The teacher trial reprisal after all the backlash feels like classic passive-aggressive SNL (mixed with an easy role for Rousey), but some of this, outside of Taran’s stumbling, works for me more the second time around, especially when Kenan makes clear for Taran just what “my man” in a Denzel voice sounds like. Kate’s delivery of, “MONSTER!!!!” also cracks me up, along with the cheap gag of Pete fist-pumping and jumping around in the bathroom.

    The Beck and Kyle football party guys would be a cut sketch in Ariana Grande’s episode later this season. This is the type of silly, stupid, mush-mouth Beck and Kyle nonsense that is right up my alley. Just nothing but fun, dumb laughs.

    It’s not a surprise that Rousey never hosted again – this was pretty near the end of her brief period of big fame – but I’m surprised Selena Gomez never hosted or even appeared as MG again after this.

    Promos (both of these are probably more fun than she had in the episode itself):


  5. I didn’t mind Rousey as a host, though a Selena Gomez double duty might’ve been a better episode. Like @Anthony Peter Coleman said, disciples of the Disney/Nick school of acting tend to fit SNL pretty seamlessly. Other than Miley Cyrus occasionally going over the top I can’t think of a host in that vein who ever detracted from an episode.

  6. Man, is this episode cursed for the online community?! The saturday-night-live.com forum went down the day it aired, and now the synopsis guide stops responding before this review.

    1. What is the story about the s-n-l.com forum going down? I was a lurker there forever and thought it was a great place and especially loved reading the real-time reviews of live shows. Did (was his name Sean?) just get tired of maintaining it and killed it or was there another reason?

  7. It’s because Saturday Net is down to the winter storms in Texas, right? If it does come back on, please let us know as soon as you can.

  8. This is no longer the final installment of Citizens Forum. They brought it back for Jason Sudeikis’ recent episode.

  9. Rhonda is so awkward physically in her monologue and musical guest intros. It’s like she had a movement coach and they drilled videos of Vanna White or The Price is Right models. Her sideshow arm movements and just the way she stands… it’s all so hilariously strange to me.

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