Politicial discussion in the comments section of this site

NOTE: This post is a comment I originally left in the comments section of my most recent review of the Dave Chappelle / A Tribe Called Quest episode. I’m re-posting it here in case there are any people who haven’t read it in the Chappelle episode comment section. Also, the comments section of this re-post is closed. If you have any response to what you’re about to read, please respond to the original post of it here, and as I said there, watch yourself in how you respond.

Commenters, cool it with the heated political discussion and ranting. While it hasn’t gotten TOO out of hand so far, I really don’t like the direction it’s going in. This is exactly why I was dreading reaching the Trump era of SNL in my reviews. The last thing I want is for the comments section of my blog to turn into what commenter Anthony Peter Coleman called “a political hellscape like the rest of the internet”. (And don’t worry, Vax Novier, your rant alone wasn’t what bothered me, it’s only the combination of it with all of the other heated political ranting in this episode’s comments section that feels very unpleasant to read altogether). It’s already an extremely demanding, exhausting process for me to churn these reviews out on a daily basis. Please don’t make me even MORE stressed out by having to deal with the comments section of my reviews turning into heated, toxic political discussions. This is absolutely NOT the place for that. And if you appreciate my reviews and respect how pleasant the comments section of this blog typically is, then please lead by example and do not continue any kind of heated political discourse here nor in the comments sections of any of my other reviews.

Oh, and for people complaining that I didn’t give the cold opening a rating, it’s a rule that I don’t give a rating to this specific type of somber, non-comedic cold opening addressing something major in the news (e.g. the post 9/11 cold opening, the post-Sandy Hook cold opening). Plain and simple. If you’ve been following this blog for a good while, you should’ve already known that. And if you’re mad because my review didn’t match your opinion that the Hallelujah cold opening deserves a one-star rating, GET OVER IT. Also, watch what you say to me. Reading comments like “Not a ratable segment, my ass” and “Give it *” really pisses me off. Friendly debating over an opinion of mine is absolutely fine, but you do NOT get to rudely demand what rating I give a segment. This is my blog, show me some damn respect. And at the end of the day, these are just dumb little episode reviews I do of a silly show. *I* don’t even take my reviews all that seriously, and neither should you.

If any, and I mean ANY kind of tension or unpleasantry continues in the comments section of this particular episode (including in response to this comment of mine), I’m closing the comments section for this episode, period. And from here on out, if any commenter goes off on any kind of unpleasant political rant in the comments section any other episode, that rant WILL be deleted.

[ADDENDUM (3/10/21): Please read this follow-up comment I made, in response to someone’s reply.]

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