Major announcement

My ongoing handling of the site issues that I mentioned in my last two posts is going well so far, and I’m about halfway finished. However, during this past week as I’ve been handling those issues, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about just how much I want to or DON’T want to continue doing my One SNL A Day project, especially with some big changes in my life coming up very soon. You see, truth be told, ever since some point in my coverage of season 41, I officially reached the point where the fun of doing this project had completely left me and never came back. It has nothing to do with the quality of the episodes I covered at the time (which were generally good) – I just naturally reached the official state of burnout after the grind of doing this project for so long. Not even the occasional days off that I allowed myself to take from this project for relaxation these past few seasons have done anything to help the complete burnout that hit me. Even with that burnout, I didn’t give up on this project, because 1) I didn’t want to disappoint my readers, knowing how much they enjoy my reviews, and 2) I was pretty close to the official finish line of completing this project, with (as of now) slightly less than four seasons remaining.

Despite the burden of having to manage the aforementioned site issues this past week, the break that it’s given me from doing reviews has been absolutely refreshing. And not refreshing in a “This hiatus is starting to bring back my enthusiasm for doing reviews again” way, but in a “I don’t ever want to go back to the grind of doing reviews” way.  And after doing A LOT of thinking about it these last few days, I’ve come to the very difficult decision that I’m going to end this project right now. I just have absolutely no enthusiasm left for doing any more reviews, not even for the slightly-less-than-four remaining seasons of this project. Hell, I don’t even have any enthusiasm left for completing the remainder of the season I recently started (season 43). I just can’t. Even the mere thought of going back to doing reviews makes me groan. And, as I alluded to earlier in this post, there are some big changes coming very soon in my life (not bad ones) that are going to make it even more of a strain on me to do these reviews, plus, schedule-wise, those changes are going to make it pretty much impossible for me to continue these reviews anyway. I know some people might suggest something like, “You can just do a review once every few weeks or so, if it’ll get you through the rest of this project” or “Take a break for a few months, then come back to this project”, which aren’t bad suggestions at all, but, for various reasons (including the upcoming changes in my life), just isn’t something I’m going to do. Trust me, I’ve thought long and hard about every possible scenario, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m ready to wrap this project up now.

I deeply apologize to all of my readers for this announcement. Please know that you were always on my mind during the long process of me making this decision, which is why this decision was so painful for me to make. While I find it very important for me to look out for you readers, it’s also very important for me to look out for myself, and the decision I’ve made is what I feel is for the best. One SNL A Day began as a passion project of mine, and when all of the passion of it has completely left me, why force myself to continue?

My review for what was supposed to be the next episode in my project, the Larry David episode from season 43, was already written before I had to put this project on a hiatus a week ago to handle my site issues. I wasn’t able to post that review back then because I couldn’t upload the screencaps for it, due to my site running out of disk space. Since I’ve now freed up a decent amount of disk space so far, I can now post that review. It will be my final review for this project, and I’ll post it tomorrow. After all, I owe it to you readers to give you one last review, not only for your wonderful devotion to this site, but for the great patience you’ve shown while I was handling my site issues this past week. In addition to that, the final segment in that Larry David episode is a great Beck Bennett/Kyle Mooney pre-tape that I absolutely love, and I would be proud to have that as the final segment I review in this project. After I post that episode review, I’ll be doing a big, special farewell post that will officially wrap up this project.

Despite how disappointing it is that I’m ending my project before completion, I’m still very proud of how far I’ve made it. In under three years, I’ve covered slightly over 42 seasons of the show, I’ve made it well into SNL’s modern era, and the season that I’m currently in was the most recent season back when I first launched this project in 2018. I have a lot to be happy about in regards to what I’ve accomplished in this project.

134 Replies to “Major announcement”

  1. 🙁 Are you still gonna do whatever end-of-project thing you were planning? I’m assuming it was some final stats, from the way you talked about it.

    1. If it’s final stats they’re flawed stats because it’s an incomplete project

    2. Well, since other people decided to be selfish jerks, I now feel the need to add a some positivity here, so:

      Thanks a lot for the seasons you did cover! It was great to have a project that tracked the progess, and hills and valleys of the series over the years—especially one that wasn’t afraid to buck conventional “wisdom” of what has and hasn’t worked. Reading this blog taught me a lot about the show that I otherwise wouldn’t have known or realized. Some credit there goes to the more in-depth and knowledgeable commenters here, as well. While I was really eager to finally be able to track and make some sense of these last few seasons, I fully understand you stopping, especially if you’ll barely have time. Honestly, I think even without burnout, you probably would have unraveled, anyway, dealing with 2.5 seasons of…whatever the fuck they’ve been doing. If ever you do get around to watching seasons 45 and 46, just go in with no expectations, take your time, and do whatever you can to get yourself into good spirits before you catch an episode, because more often than not, they’ll just confuse you and wear you down.

      Also, I must say, as a theme song/opening credits geek, I’m very thankful for the notes you made about the montage, as there were plenty of variants I otherwise would have never noticed or come across. I was able to make make compilations for myself that I’ve also been posting to the LFNY subreddit. I’m pretty sure that series is by far the most complete collection of montage variants on the ‘net, and it’s only because you paid so much attention them (I feel the vast majority of fans really don’t even consider the credits much). Honestly, I don’t even know how you caught some of things you caught.

      I must also say that, though this blog may now be over, I’ll certainly continue to visit and comment. I’ve been binging the series since last January or February (in large part thanks to finding this blog at the end of 2019), and it has been a requisite for me to have the review for whatever episode I’m watching out, either during or right after the episode. This really is the best SNL site I’ve come across in the last 11.5 years.

    3. Yeah, I am still going to come back here and comment and look back at the best reviews you have done. But, this was a great run. Thanks for the ride stooge. This isn’t farewell, but till we meet again.

    4. Wow, I don’t know how I missed you straight up answering this question in the post. Never mind. 😛

    5. @OldSoul97:

      “Wow, I don’t know how I missed you straight up answering this question [regarding the special end-of-project thing] in the post. Never mind. 😛”

      You missed it because it wasn’t in the original message I posted. I edited it into the post after realizing I forgot to mention it.

  2. I think frustrations are being misdirected. Honestly this project was more complete than Nimona was and yet both are being canceled? The one last review we’re owed is the season 46 finale next month, with everything else in between. You stopped watching SNL for the sole purpose of being surprised when you got to reviewing them, and now you’re not even going to bother watching them for the project? What sense does that make?

  3. Your choices are your choices, and no one can judge you for them. Do what you need to to have personal sanity.

    I do regret following this blog, however; I don’t think I would have chosen to follow this over the last couple years if I had known it would end unceremoniously.

    1. Hello SC. First, I Know That I Did Not Know That Stooge Would Stop After 50 Episodes So There Was NO Way For You To Know That ! Second, There Was NO Way You Would Know That Stooge’s Computer Got Filled Up And Stooge Would Have To Delete The Reviews And The Screen Caps Which Are Pictures ! Third, There Is NO Way You Would Know About Those Changes In Stooge’s Life Unless Stooge Is A Personal Friend OF Yours And Has Talked About These Changes !

  4. Damn. Well I can’t I’m not disappointed, especially as we were SO close, but this is free entertainment and if it no longer brings you joy, you gotta do what you gotta do Stooge. Hope the positive changes you mention treat you well. This has been a wonderful place to visit these past months, due not only to the community full of wonderful writers and passionate souls but of course your fantastic reviews, and I’ll continue to read your old reviews and leave my thoughts as I go through the episodes I’ve never seen as I’ve been doing. Your work here has really expanded my comedy knowledge, and I really think what you did here is special.

    Is there anywhere we can follow you on social media after this? I only know you as “Stooge”.

    Also, curious, do you think you’ll ever watch the episodes you missed from S44-present that you planned to review? If not, are you going to start watching the current season, or is the end of this blog the end of your relationship with the show for a while?

    1. @Anthony Peter Coleman

      “Is there anywhere we can follow you on social media after this? I only know you as “Stooge”.”

      Aside from the Twitter account I have for this SNL project (, I’m not on social media. You can email me at, though.

      “Also, curious, do you think you’ll ever watch the episodes you missed from S44-present that you planned to review? If not, are you going to start watching the current season, or is the end of this blog the end of your relationship with the show for a while?”

      After a good, long while, I’m definitely going to watch all of the seasons 44-onwards episodes that I’ve missed, and then, from there on out after I finish that, start watching newly-aired episodes on a regular basis. After how exhaustive this project of mine has been, I’d like to take a break from watching SNL in general right now.

    2. Ah dang, so this’ll basically be the last we hear from ya huh? Safe travels, Stooge.

    3. Do you think you’ll ever update us with your thoughts on those seasons Stooge? Doesn’t have to be a review or blog post, but since the site will still be around would love for you to maybe leave a comment at some point with a couple general thoughts.

    4. @Anthony Peter Coleman

      “Do you think you’ll ever update us with your thoughts on those seasons Stooge?”

      Most likely, yes.

    5. That’s nice to know at least. I was very interested in your takes on Bowen and Ego, as well as the Sandler and Murphy episodes.

  5. I totally understand Stooge, though it’s a shame. It’s pretty incredible how far this project went since I find reviewing even *one* episode to be exhausting, let alone 42 damn seasons. Thanks for the site because all the discussion and info about older episodes is something that’s been missing from the internet for awhile. It was always fun to read these.

    I made a Discord server if some of the commenters from here want to congregate there and continue talking. I think at least one person here expressed interest in one.

    1. The Discord server invite doesn’t seem to be working anymore, I never really commented here but I’d be interested in joining the server too.

    2. It took me more than 2 minutes to type that comment out apparently so I did not see the new link which does work, sorry

    3. @Ruby

      “I made a Discord server if some of the commenters from here want to congregate there and continue talking. I think at least one person here expressed interest in one.”

      Thanks for doing that, Ruby. I’m going to mention this Discord server in my big farewell post coming up in a few days, and I’ll subsequently leave a link to the Discord on my blog’s menu bar and home page.

    4. @Stooge Thanks. I’d recommend you actually include this link to That Week In SNL’s Discord server in your post instead, as it has more users and activity than the one I made (a lot of the commenters here are already there.) I got permission from them to share the link:

  6. Yeah, I’ll admit, this is kind of a kick in the face to everyone of us who have followed you since Season 1. 🙁

  7. All of you mugs can just pipe the fuck down. Stooge gave us several years of free entertainment; I, for one, am grateful. Sorry to hear it’s ending, but I understand the strain on you (and you were sure to go through some seriously joyless stretches with what remained). Go with our gratitude; hope to see you around some other campfire or another.

  8. Mr. Stooge, I (a relatively recent reader, if I’m being honest) just want to thank you for every single ounce of work you’ve put into this project and for providing us all with such a deep and passionate labor of love. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!!!!!

  9. I can’t say as I blame you – I was actually thinking the last few days, why would you want to return to doing this after you got a break? I will say that I believe the last 4 seasons had enough high points to not be a washout, but then I’m not the one doing painstaking work for free. I totally understand why you want to move on when you were still mostly fine with the episodes and when you have other things coming up in your life.

    I found this blog a few months after I got back into SNL proper – around spring or summer 2019. At that point you were around 1989, 1990, which was when I started watching. It felt like a gift just for me, odd as that sounds. Not only a place that documented episodes, but also a place where we could give our opinions and talk to you or to each other. I was able to really give my views on all my love and hate and disappointment for this show, which I can’t do on Twitter, or on the few remaining message boards and comment sections for the show, places that are usually dominated by newer viewers or by an atmosphere that sneers at actually caring about anything.

    We got to talk about many of the most important periods in SNL history, from the late ’80s, to the Bad Boys era, to Norm, to Tina’s run, to “the four” (Kristen/Bill/Jason/Andy), to the arrival of Kate/Aidy/Cecily/Jost/Che, to Trumpwin, and many more highlights and lowlights. We probably talked ourselves into the ground, but I’m just so glad we had the opportunity to do so.

    The last year hasn’t been easy for anyone. For me there’s been loss and doubt and more of the same on top of that. I always looked forward to coming here and seeing what you had to say and seeing what others had to say. It was an escape I never could have asked for and will always be grateful I have had.

    Thank you for what you’ve given us, and I hope you may, someday, pop up in another form to give us your thoughts on the show.

    1. I want to give a special thanks to you John. Your comments are always so passionate and nuanced. As I’ve been making my through the older episodes and reviews, I always stop to see what your comment on the episode was.

    2. That’s very kind of you to say, @APC. I’ve always enjoyed your posts here and our conversations over this past year. I tend to regret going on and on and on, but then this is the main place that won’t shit on you for having thoughts instead of just posting a meme or a few quips to get likes.

      I was thinking of going back sometime and leaving more comments/reviews on older episodes, but I’m not sure if @Stooge would want us to keep using this place and straining resources, so we’ll see.

    3. Wanna piggyback on what APC said – John, your comments and insights are spectacular. I’d love to see what you have to add to any pre-Season 15 episode on which you haven’t yet weighed in.

      Stooge, it’s been a fantastic ride, and I hope this site stays up indefinitely as one of the premier internet resources for lifelong SNL fans like myself. I’d rather re-read a post/comments that pops up on your site’s “random review” feature than watch a new episode of SNL. And I screencap your screen caps and text them to other buddies for additional amusement.

      These last few years are the period of the show I’m least interested in, though I was very interested to read your reviews of them, and the comments they’d inspire. It’s still an unbelievable, almost superhuman accomplishment that you managed to get this far into it. I’m so glad I stumbled on it as early as I did.

    4. @John

      “I was thinking of going back sometime and leaving more comments/reviews on older episodes, but I’m not sure if @Stooge would want us to keep using this place and straining resources, so we’ll see.”

      Absolutely feel free to continue leaving comments at this place. AFAIK, the number of comments aren’t contributing to the problem of this site running out of disk space. That problem was caused by my excessive number of screencaps.

    5. Every time I read these reviews I’m always excited to read the comments, especially from John and Anthony Peter Coleman. Thank you so much for your insightful comments. It’s allowed me to look deeper into SNL and made me more of a fan. I hope y’all will keep commenting.

    6. Oh wow, so glad to hear you liked what I had to say! John and I (as well as a couple other regular commenters here like Vax Novier & Carson) will actually be finishing off the remaining episodes Stooge would have covered in a new blog. Hope to see you there!

  10. Thanks for the entertainment, Stooge. The commentary from yourself and all the visitors has been worth its weight.

  11. I tried to do SNL reviews for a blog this season, but due to several factors (the episodes being bad, starting in the middle of a season, schoolwork, general laziness) I only ever ended up doing one review.

    Essentially, I’m just so grateful and thankful for Stooge, and his patience, his charisma, his talent, and most importantly, his incredible blog that reading was one of the highlights of my day. I’ll never ever forget how amazing this blog was, and even though we will never finish this project, we got pretty damn close.

    Rest in piece, to the greatest SNL fansite of all time.

  12. Oh, and I know it’s only a handful of commenters, but you really think basically telling Stooge to fuck off is going to make him go “you’re right, how could I ever leave this place?”

    1. Hey Anthony. I Have Not Seen Any Body Say That ! Several People Said For Stooge To Do What He Needs To Do ! Other People Have Said Well, You Got Close And They Have Enjoyed Coming Here ! Some People Even Thanked Stooge For Doing This Blog !

  13. Thanks for the reviews on this site for the last 3 years Stooge. I’ve been reading your stuff since the early 2000s I believe. It was fun!

    I’ll admit I’ll always think of what the reviews of .Sandler’s return in season 44 or .Eddie in 45 would have been like!

  14. I also have to admit to a dark laugh that you made it to the final start of the “forever cast.” And now they WILL be the forever cast. It’s only fitting.

  15. You’ve already done more than enough for the online SNL community, this is already the greatest collection of SNL reviews any of us is ever going to see in our lifetimes. And as a fellow writer myself, I know all too well what it’s like to hit that point where you’re done and you just want to put a nice little bow on it and wrap it up. So I say retire happily and go in peace and never give it a second thought again in your life. And don’t feel guilty just because people get used to free content on the internet and they become selfish entitled brats. That’s their problem, not yours. Don’t even lose a second of sleep over this over the years, you’ve done great.

    And the next four seasons suck anyway, so what really is anyone missing, ha ha.

    Great job on this page, Stooge. This is always going to be my go-to SNL review resource in the future. Go and retire in peace.

  16. So does this mean every SNL episode from Tiffany Haddish onward is no longer canon?

    Jokes aside, I think it is very admirable for you, Stooge, to be able to step down from this project so calmly and deliberately. While there are many great moments I was looking forward to hearing your take on, I do realize that with those moments come many, many uncomfortable moments that are far from great and would have been little to no fun to review. **cough cough robert muller de niro cough** When the passion is gone from a passion project, perhaps it’s wise to call it quits. It also kinda helps that the storage got full… like it was a sign of sorts.

    Also, I have to agree, the Beers short is as good of a way to go out as I can think of. From Wolverines to Beers… Stooge, you’ve come a long, long way.

    On another topic: If anyone reading this is interested in or passionate about starting another review blog to pick up where Stooge left off, I would totally read it. But ONLY if you are interested in doing it! If it’s gonna just crush the soul of whoever runs it, then it’s better if there’s not one. This is not a demand or even a request, just an idea I’m putting out there in case anyone wants to make it happen.

    1. Oh damn, you just reminded me that we’re not getting a Tiffany Haddish review. One of my favorite episodes of the modern era.


      Also, I’d love to start an SNL review blog, but I KNOW I don’t have the endurance that Stooge does. I just wrote a massive post on my music blog and it nearly killed me.

    2. I reviewed about nine seasons of SNL and that was more than enough for me. Stooge did 34 more seasons! It’s insane.

  17. It would have been nice to get your take on the last few years, just because I wanted to see what someone who’s gone through the show from the start thought of them (I particularly wanted to get your thoughts on the self-congratulatory circle jerk that was the season 43 finale and all those DeNiro cameos). Funny enough, season 43 was a point where I just didn’t bother with the show most of the year and have still only seen about half the season.

    I can’t say I’m not disappointed, especially since you’re only a few months from the end anyway, but I understand. The work it takes to get one episode review posted is fatiguing enough, and at some point you have to decide whether a project is worth it taking over your life.

    1. Just wanted to say Bronwyn, loved your reviews of 80-84, and it was actually trying to find them again that I came across this blog in the first place, so thank you for that.

    2. Thanks for the good words! I’m hoping to get back into posting reviews in the near future. Please feel free to add your two cents on my other posts too!

  18. I’ll admit – this blows. Like I said many moons ago, this site has been endorphin fix since the whole project began. I appreciate all the hard work that was put into what, is to me, the only decent outlet for SNL talk on the Internet. I will say, however, that this is a very “Lindsay Lohan/Coldplay” way to go out.

    Would have loved to hear your takes in the Sandler, Murphy and At Home episodes.

    Bronwyn, you ready to start writing again??

    1. Carson, There Is A Forum Called PRIMETIMER And I Think That Is A Very Good Message Board ! I Go There All The Time ! How Ever, Nobody Writes Reviews Like Stooge Does ! These Are Just Messages About Saturday Night Live Each Saturday ! How Ever, This Does Have Different Categories Like A Place To Write About People From The Show That Have Died For Example !

  19. You did good, Stooge. You made it further than anyone else has and that’s something to be proud of. I learned a couple of new facts and anecdotes that I didn’t previously know, had a good time reading.

    All the best.

  20. This sucks to hear Stooge but congrats on 43 seasons of SNL reviews.

    And congrats on whatever positive changes are going on in your life.

  21. It’s disappointing but I can’t say I’m surprised and you’ve pretty much covered all the eras I was really interested in. There are plenty of other avenues on the Internet to talk about modern SNL and to be frank, some of the recent episodes could stand for a few more years before we really start analyzing them again.

    Thanks for a great site. I always learned something from each review, and it was especially fascinating seeing a well-thought out take on periods of the show I didn’t have much knowledge of or were especially polarizing or controversial. You always pulled some funny part out of a crappy season or noted some potential areas of improvement.

  22. That is some frustrating announcement. You are like a really likable recurring character to me and you deserve a better way to end your tenure.

    Apologize for my broken English. I was always too embarrassed by it to leave any comment.

  23. To echo a few thoughts above, I would also be interested in anyone who decides to continue the reviews. I couldn’t do one a day, and I couldn’t do all those screencaps so anyone who can I tip my hat to.

    I do write about SNL occasionally, when I muster up the energy, anyway, if anyone ever wants to read it:

  24. Well shit. AS they say, all good things must come to an end. I started following you right before quarantine started. I started in season 21 and kept going all the way. I was hoping to see you finish what you started but it ain’t happening. I am a huge SNL fan and to see this end breaks my heart. But, it’s for the best. You’ve done this for almost 3 years now. I think it’s time you earned a break. I know this is the end of the one snl a day project, but we had a great run. I am going to miss you a lot. All of us are going to miss you. Can’t wait to see your last review. Who knows maybe one day, you’ll come back and finish the project if you feel like it. Unfortunately, that will probably never happen. It is going to be hard adjusting to not seeing you review an snl episode. This was fun though. Hope to see you again real soon. Enjoy your retirement stooge. You deserve it.

  25. To echo what everyone else is saying: yes, it is unfortunate that you’re closing shop here when you’re this close to the end. There are places in the future (Sandler, Murphy, etc.) where I was awaiting to hear your always detailed thoughts (and in other places, hopefully some juicy rants, haha). So yes, it is rather disheartening…

    …but you know what? This is not my site to run. I’m not the one who has the muster the energy to write a review nearly every day for three years. I post at a Three Stooges/classic comedy forum (The Kingdom of Moronika) that does a film discussion thread every week, and I can barely muster up the energy to just leave my two cents on a measly two-reeler. The thought of reviewing 40+ years of a 90-minute television program every day is daunting to me. Yes, you may be so close, but by coming as far as you have (season 43!) and giving us all of this free content, I think you’ve given us more than enough, not to mention the wonderful community you’ve fostered here in the comments section of old faces and newer folks (to parrot others above, I too love and always look forward to reading John’s insightful comments).

    At any rate, a tip of the hat to you, Stooge. I have been a fan of yours since around 2010-11, when I first discovered the SNL message boards, and I was excited when you came out of retirement to commence this project. This has been a fun ride, and I thank you for all the work you put into reviewing 43(!) years of SNL in just three. That’s no small feat. So go off, enjoy retirement, embark on these positive changes in your life. You’ve earned it.

  26. I was looking over some old reviews, when I came across what I originally said when you first “Retired” from SNL reviewing some 7 years ago. For 2021, I had to change a few words around, so I’ll condense it and get to the point…

    There are SNL fans, there are superfans, there are even uberfans…But Stooge has always been in a class by himself…no matter how hard all the rest of us fans try, you’ve always had us beat by miles. So, to you, Stooge, I wish you all the best, and hopefully you continue to be a presence in the SNL fan community.

  27. I’ve been lurking since just before season 46 started, and I really committed to reading along with your modern era reviews as I also committed to watching my first season live all the way through (bit of a lame season to start that with, but that’s showbiz). Your website was also an invaluable and easy to navigate wiki for older eras and has taught me much.

    I’m very grateful for all you’ve posted, Stooge. I’m also grateful to all the people who actually commented – best comments section I’ll read on the internet in a long time. Seriously, assuming there’s no escaping echo chambers, this one is my favorite for SNL. The conversation was real, enthralling to read, and not STANS or whatever.

    I hope you find time to watch some of the better recent sketches, from this season and what I’ve seen on YouTube. Maybe someone could make an easy playlist for you, but not me, I didn’t watch 43-45 closely.

    Thank you again!

    1. I got started on the project last year while I was watching season 45 which was the first season I watched live all the way. When the pandemic hit, I came to your site to see the latest reviews. The comment section was an amazing place. This was a great way for newer SNL fans to get to understand how the show progressed and evolved over the past 6 decades. I hope you come back sometime in the near future. If not, thank you for everything. We will miss you.

    2. There Is A Message Board Called PRIMETIMER That Has Pete Marshall, Galileo, VB68 Helenamonster And Many Other People That Have Comments About Saturday Night Live Every Week ! I Also Enjoy Reading their Messages About Saturday Night Live !

  28. I’ve really enjoyed this project, as far as I’m concerned it’s the definitive source for info on SNL sketches, and I hope it remains up even if it’s no longer updated.

    Honestly it’s not the worst idea to end here anyway, being so close to the current episodes. It might be better to get some distance from recent stuff before analyzing it. As far as I’m concerned this project is complete as stands. Thank you for your time and hard work.

  29. The comment section has been great, I know some of you are active on the subreddit which is hit and miss but the mods seem to keep a lid on the blatant shitposting but it’ll never be as good as here. I only hope that people enjoyed some of my comments as much as I enjoyed most of yours.

  30. I admit my first reaction might’ve been unnecessarily harsh. I know how time consuming making Internet content can be, and realize how this must’ve been eating up a good deal of your daily life. I apologize.

  31. Stooge, I admit I’m a bit disappointed you couldn’t quite finish the project but you don’t owe anyone a damn thing. You have your own life to live and that’s the bottom line. Plus, you were not getting paid for this. I thank you for the excellent and reasoned opinions and there are plenty of reviews to still look at that I haven’t read. All the best with the positive things happening in your life and thanks for the enjoyment. I would’ve been interested to hear what you thought of the past few seasons, but que sera, sera. In the words of someone who never hosted the show, thanks for the memories.

  32. As someone who’s reviewed most eps of Our Gang, “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In”, and all Pink Panther movies (including that one Alan Arkin one, those post-Sellers ones from Blake Edwards, and the two Steve Martin ones) in chronological order on IMDb, I understand your exhaustion (I’ve yet to review some of the silent OGs I just discovered on YouTube). Like some others, I would have loved to have seen your review on the Eddie Murphy ep from last season. I’m thinking you’d like most of it (and maybe be disappointed that Joe Piscopo didn’t show up for him and Eddie to do one more two-person skit or maybe that’s just me having my pipe dream…) Anyway, good luck on whatever you’re doing outside of this site…

  33. I only found this site a couple of month ago but in just that time it has been so much fun reading through all the reviews. I love seeing everyones comments and opinions on the sketches. I really appreciate all the time it must have taken to get through so many seasons. I can’t wait to see the final review!

  34. I’m shocked by some of the comments here. You have devoted three years of your life to this project, and managed to review 42 years of live sketch comedy. That’s an incredible feat and you have created an invaluable resource which will always be my first stop when watching old episodes. You don’t owe anyone anything. You need to do what is right for you. Thank you Stooge for all that you have done here. There is nothing else like it.

  35. Been reading this since the start of season 31. Thanks for the constant posts and reviews, sorry to hear that it’s burnt you out completely. Hope whatever comes next is more fulfilling and brings you happiness.

  36. Thank you. You did an amount of work which is basically impossible to find around in collective books or other websites and you gave it to the readers for free. This was an amazing journey. Cheers from Italy.

  37. In a way, it’s fitting that your project ends at season 43 because I feel like there haven’t been any true ‘modern classic’ episodes since then. There’ve been ones that come close, but just miss the mark by a hair. It’s been discussed to death how seasons 44, 45, and 46 are pretty weak seasons (though *how* weak they are is what’s always up for debate) so having to cover those seasons when your heart’s not in it probably would’ve destroyed your brain.

    A few commenters have brought up the Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy episodes. Now that you’re free from the shackles of doing chronological reviews, I think you should definitely check those two out just to watch. Aside from SNL at Home, they’re the biggest and most interesting events to happen to the show since you stopped watching live.

    Reposting the link to the Discord chat server in case my previous comment got lost in the shuffle. There’s about eleven or so commenters who have joined already:

    1. I think season 46 has been a fairly decent season, (decent by modern SNL standards, I should say), aside from the cold opens, with most episodes having one standout moment or another and managing to get positive use out of 15-16 cast a week, but I definitely get why people would disagree.

      Not to piggyback off what @Ruby said, because I totally agree with her about those episodes being the main ones I would suggest watching if you only want to go through a limited selection, but if you do decide to watch any others, these are my suggestions:

      Season 44:

      Matt Damon (an excellent hosting performance by Matt with a number of moments of warmth and tenderness throughout – there are only two duds in this episode for me – the cold open and a Theresa May vanity project sketch for Kate)

      John Mulaney (other than some crappy celebrity lawyer sketch, I enjoy everything in this episode – it’s the episode that got me back to watching SNL on a regular basis; there is also a Dianne Feinstein cut for time pre-tape that is probably the best political piece they’ve had in years and years)

      Season 45:

      David Harbour (this episode has some weak spots, but is one of the few episodes of modern times that “felt” like the SNL I grew up with; Harbour is a wonderful host who fits right in with the cast and along with Lily Allen, even gave them the idea for one of the most visually dynamic and well-done pop culture parodies in years)

      Scarlett Johannson (another very warm episode, with the type of backstage family feel that SNL mostly left behind in the ’90s – as a bonus, one of the best cold opens in years)

      Adam Driver (other than a dud homage to “Cheer,” this is a strong episode, driven by an absolutely fantastic hosting performance from Driver, who commits just as passionately to retreads as he does to original, chaotic material…and a killer monologue to boot)

      Season 46:

      Bill Burr (after the beyond lackluster premiere, this episode gets the season back on track [as much as possible]; Burr is a strong sketch actor who powers through some overfamiliar ideas and helps one sketch become a near-classic until it’s ruined by weird timing issues; this episode also has one of my favorite pre-tapes of the season [cut for time]; Jack White’s electric performances give the episode a big kick in the ass, and help make it feel much more cohesive and like an ‘event’

      Issa Rae (this episode was panned by many, but other than the cold open, it’s a hearty mix of crowd-pleaser, topical, slice-of-life, and just plain weird, along with a strong Update – to me it’s a good example of a way forward for SNL)

      Timothee Chalamet (the best of the post-election lull episodes, as Timothee is very energetic and makes a good team with Pete Davidson, helped by a great Ebersol-era pre-tape and several of the best topical sketches of the season)

      Rege Jean Page (many fans slammed this episode for the “how do you do kids” vibe – I understand why, but this is a very interesting episode to watch in that it’s one of the first in many years to have a very newly famous pop culture phenom host, complete with screaming audiences, and it has one of Pete’s best moments as a cast member [this is his best episode, most likely], a slice-of-life sketch I love, some oddball sketches, and three good-great pre-tapes [one of them likely being the last Beck-and-Kyle teamup sketch we’re going to get, with Andrew Dismukes there to pick up the torch]).

      Daniel Kaluuya (I had some issues with this episode, due in part to shockingly bad direction, but it has a very good Update [one of Jost’s all-time best], arguably the best thing Ego Nwodim has ever done on the show, a Kyle pre-tape that is not only him at his best, but is one of the strongest jabs at pop culture SNL has managed in ages, and a very strong host in Daniel [his monologue is a gem]).

    2. I’d also recommend Daniel Craig’s S45 episode. A very silly vibe in that one that made for one of the modern era’s most purely fun episodes to me. Also interesting as it was the last regular episode before lockdown.

      A couple other bits I’d recommend, from episodes Stooge can otherwise skip:

      Live Sketches:
      Mid Day News – Essential. One of my favorite race based sketches the show has ever done.

      Love At First Sight – Worth finding the live version, which goes even further off the rails, but this is easily one of my favorite Anderlette sketches.

      Cast List – A cut for time sketch that outshined anything that made it to air that night. This is the type of big ensemble sketch the show needs to be doing way more often, and the fact it was cut in favor of 2 long political sketches and one that was basically a shrug about PC culture with no point speaks volumes.

      Can I Play That? – Okay, I know I just bitched about sketches that are just bitching about cancel culture, but this one works for me.

      The Corporal – Easily the best pairing of Kate and Aidy to me, since it gives them actual gags and isn’t just “go out there and mug” (okay there’s a fair amount of mugging, but it works for me here)

      Inside the Beltway – Mild political satire, but a classic gaffe at the end makes this worth a watch.

      Uncle Ben – Ditto what I said about Inside the Beltway

      Cheques – A lovely bit of Julio Torres absurdity (co written by future cast member Bowen Yang).

      The Actress – Another example of Julio being by far the show’s most interesting writer in this era. Emma Stone fucking crushes this as well.

      Duolingo For Talking To Children – Deeply relatable to me.

      Boop It – Some of Beck’s best work.

      Another MasterClass – Melissa’s Mulaney is one of my favorite impressions of all time. It makes me so happy.

      A Teacher – Some great character work from Ego, and an example of why I’m so excited about her.

      Weekend Update:

      Chloe Fineman on the Oscars – Chloe’s first big showcase, and she knocks it out of the park.

      Chen Biao – And here’s Bowen’s big showcase.

      Terry Fink – In case we needed another reminder of how underrated Alex is.

    3. I would like to add to Anthony Peter Coleman’s list with some cold opens and musical performances that I would deem noteworthy. Which is much harder to do for this era, I’ll admit, but I’ll give it a shot.

      Cold Openings:
      Mother’s Day – The second-most recent of the Mother’s Day sketches featuring cast members’ moms. Nothing too iconic, but a nice little dose of rare fun.

      Kavanaugh Hearing – This is the kind of thing I know I should hate, but something about the atmosphere kinda works. Of course, there are the memorable cameos from Matt Damon’s Kavanaugh and a pre-election Amy Klobuchar from Rachel Dratch.

      Michael Cohen Hearing – Same thing with Kavanaugh, I should hate this but it just kinda works. By default, the best use of Ben Stiller’s Cohen. Aside from some clunker parts, there are some near-classic performances from Kyle as Paul Gosar and Bill Hader, who was only there for the phenomenal What’s That Name reprise, as Jim Jordan.

      R. Kelly Interview – This might be the closest to that point SNL had come to having a seasons-29-and-30-esque cold open about a pop culture moment in years. Of course, Kenan gives it his all, but you’ve also got Leslie and Chris doing a solid job with their parts.

      Equality Town Hall – If you have to watch just one 2020 primary debate sketch, watch this one. It is kinda boiler-plate, but it has a very fun atmosphere, which is helped by the one-candidate-at-a-time town hall format. Some very strong lines throughout, and the cameos do a solid job (Billy Porter especially) without totally hogging the camera.

      American Households – Like many commenters have said, this is one of the better cold opens in recent years. I will warn you, though; the ending REALLY drops downhill with a quasi-rambling speech from Aidy’s narrator and a very shoe-horned appearance from Kate as Greta Thunberg. If they would have just ended where it ended, it would have been 100% classic. But other than that, this is still a strong, different, 95% classic sketch.

      Dershowitz in Hell – A very ballsy way for SNL to start 2020: a fresh idea that progresses just the right way, a truly left-field cameo (Jon Lovitz’s first appearance since his untimely death at SNL40), many groan-inducing lines for the studio audience, and a very memorable use of the host. One of those sketches that made me think, “I can’t believe this is happening.”

      Musical Performances:
      Jack White – Ball and Biscuit Medley
      Of course, this is impressive because Jack White flew in the day before to replace Morgan Wallen last-minute. But even without that aspect, it’s the stuff live television is made of. Three killer musicians playing the blues: no backing tracks, no fancy stages, no lights or dancers… just raw music. One of the most captivating moments of not only this current season, but of this SNL era.

      Coldplay – Orphans
      One of the latest rare walk-around-the-studio musical performances. The song is alright, but the performance has such a fun vibe.

      David Byrne – Once in a Lifetime
      It’s crazy that this happened before COVID. I’m not even much of a David Byrne fan, but it is so impressive that he and his Broadway show (is that the first time since Pirates of Penzance in 1980?) managed to take their distinctive way of performing and fit it to the SNL stage. Sadly, I can no longer find a link to this performance, but it is worth watching nonetheless.

      Lizzo – Truth Hurts
      The Eddie Murphy episode would have been monumental no matter who the musical guest was, but thankfully they got Lizzo to certify it as a classic. For those who have seen Lizzo perform, you know she always brings it, and this is no exception. The guitar-only intro I think is especially impressive. Not necessarily a legendary “you had to be there” moment, but still worth mentioning.

      Childish Gambino – This Is America
      Many artists have premiered new songs on SNL, but can we just talk about this one??? Of all the songs to have “debuted” on SNL, this has to be one of the most significant, at least in recent years.

      And last but certainly not least, a rare musical performance from a non-musical-guest host…

      Adam Sandler – Farley
      I mean… what more is there to be said?

  38. Thanks, Stooge. We all owe you a lot. You don’t owe us anything. I’ve always appreciated what you were doing, but not until recently did I really understand what a labor-intensive grind it was. That was due to a blind spot on my part, of course – it’s not like all those screen captures captured themselves.

    As a fairly new SNL fan, I’ve learned things here about the show, and about the fan community, that I doubt I would learned anywhere else. And as someone who often struggles to put my thoughts into words even for the length of a comment here, my hat is off to you for what you were able to do for so long. You have my deepest thanks.

    Best of luck in whatever you do in the future.

  39. Hi Stooge, I’ve been a reader for a few months now but never commented. Your reviews have been really useful insights and I’ve really enjoyed having them as a guide as I go back through older seasons, finding your blog has been so helpful, and certainly will continue to be helpful (I really hope you keep the site online!). I’ve always appreciated how well-written and honest every single one has been, and whilst I share in everyone else’s genuine disappointment that you won’t continue, far more than that I want to thank you for what you’ve done! These free reviews have become a part of my daily routine which really adds up to a lot of entertainment, so cheers to you.

  40. Stooge,

    I remember you from the old days on the defunct S-N-L forum where your reviews of modern and classic episodes were a highlight. Well crafted and detailed your reviews brought me joy and nostalgic feelings of past eras. I tried my hand at reviewing the first season on the old forum and you were one of the few members who left me a message of encouragement, I never forgot. I was delighted when I discovered your blog and greatly took it for granted. Everyday there would be a new post and during the pandemic where there has been so much uncertainty you brought joy. Stooge, go into your retirement feeling proud.

    Since we are so close to the current season I think it might be time for us commentators to pay-it-forward and help Stooge finish the project (if Stooge is okay with that). Stooge has worked tirelessly over these three years for us it’s the right thing to do if there is any interest.

    1. I was thinking of the same thing. I’m down. I mean the fans earned it. Let’s have some of of his most popular commenters on the site finish the job. Stooge would be proud of it, that is if he is okay with that. He probably won’t be and I totally understand if he does not want that to happen. But imagine John, APC, Jack, Ruby, Wnyxneal, myself and others finish this project for him for the fans and for these who didn’t know SNL’s current era. Let’s make it happen.

    2. Stooge, only if you’re okay with that. I don’t want us to overstep if you’re not comfortable with anything.

      My first idea was one of us or a collaborative effort craft a review and email it to Stooge to submit.

    3. @RoseArt

      “Since we are so close to the current season I think it might be time for us commentators to pay-it-forward and help Stooge finish the project (if Stooge is okay with that). Stooge has worked tirelessly over these three years for us it’s the right thing to do if there is any interest.”

      “My first idea was one of us or a collaborative effort craft a review and email it to Stooge to submit.”

      A very nice idea, and I’m very grateful towards you and other commenters for wanting to chip in. Due to how extremely busy I’m soon going to be when the upcoming changes in my life take effect, it’s going to be difficult for me to regularly post the reviews that you submit to me, and I’d hate to be late in posting your reviews. Plus, I was really looking forward to no longer having to make edits to this site’s pages after I retire from reviewing. However, I really like what Thatchos suggested: somebody start another review blog to pick up where I left off. I’d really prefer that. RoseArt, if you’d or anyone else would like, feel free to start another review blog to continue this project of mine. The commenters here that have shown interest in collaborating on these new reviews can send them to RoseArt (or whoever starts the blog) through emails. When the new blog launches, whoever’s in charge of it can let me know what the URL is (let me know in either this comments section or email it to me at and I’ll make a post on my blog announcing it, and I’ll leave a link for your blog on my blog’s menu bar and home page.

    4. I, too, love this idea — ensuring that, although Stooge may be hanging up his hat, the project will live on…

      Seriously, what a wonderful community we have here.

    5. @Michael Ugwueke, thank you for throwing my name in. I don’t really have the ability to take tons of screencaps, but I had been thinking about writing some reviews anyway, so I’d be happy to get involved with this project once more details are out. After all @Stooge has done with this blog it’s only fitting to see the project through to the end.

    6. If the community blog does become a thing, I’m a bit mixed on pitching in (though I appreciate being mentioned). I certainly don’t have the SNL knowledge of Stooge/others here, and even writing a couple reviews of sketches from Dana Carvey’s show made me realize how hard it is to write about comedy. Still, I love a challenge, and if there’s one thing I can it’s talk endlessly about SNL, so I guess I’ll throw my hat in the ring to write an occasional one. I’ll just do the Mulaney, Sandler, Murphy & Chappelle episodes, since I doubt anyone will have anything to say about those (kidding 🙂 though I’m not sure how we would divvy things up, especially when it comes to episodes like those several people would want to write about).

    7. I can look into starting up a blog unless somebody else is interested. I’m thinking once we figure out who wants to guest write, we can divide up the remaining episodes from the 43rd season among the writers. From there, you’ll watch and review the episodes and submit a draft to be edited and published. Once all the reviews are submitted (depending on how quickly we put this together) we can start publishing the reviews on an every-other-day basis. As those reviews start publishing, we’ll start dividing up the next season. We’ll continue this cycle up through the current season. That should allow us enough time to limit the burnout. Like Anthony Peter Coleman mentioned, maybe some episodes can be authored by a couple people. I know the upcoming Sandler and Murphy shows will fall under that.

  41. This is a real bummer, but being the father of 4 kids, I can understand life getting in the way of things. I was really looking forward to the review of the Eddie Murphy show. Good luck with everything!

  42. Fantastic job, Stooge. This is clearly the be SNL fansite there will ever be.

    For those who are disappointed, look at it this way — Stooge always said he’d stop the project when he got to the current episode. He got almost all the way to where the show was when he began the blog. So if you look at it a certain way, the project is all but complete. Just pretend he started it 3 years earlier than he did and it is basically complete by Stooge’s own metric.

    Now the job falls on us as commenters to do our part and keep this place a great forum. Hopefully we can continue commenting if it stays civil (and it has very much stayed that way, all things considered).

    For those who are wanting more, may I suggest starting with a project I very haphazardly undertook a few months ago — which is doing Stooge-style reviews of the musical performances in the comments to this site. I saw that at least one other commenter picked up my slack once. There’s quite a lot of them remaining unreviewed and I bet if we work together, we could do it within a year or two. I completely understand why Stooge chose to omit musical performances from his reviews but that doesn’t mean some of us can’t provide some insight. As long as we try to be as objective as possible (tough with music), and review each performance on its own merits, I think it would be a wonderful supplement to the blog.

    Anyway — to Stooge, I’m so happy you’ve found good experiences and opportunities outside of this project. You don’t owe any of us anything, but I hope you can look back on this project with pride. Seriously you could have gone pro with this gig on Patreon, I know lots of podcasters and bloggers who’ve gone pro with so much less quality or quantity content. But then again that would have made this site more high profile and possibly subjected it to some of the brigading, pettiness, and flame wars that are so prevalent on the internet these days. This site represents the best of what the internet has to offer, and comes closer than almost anything I’ve seen to the potential it had back in the mid 90s.

    1. Hello Frederick- I’ve noticed your occasional music reviews and I love the idea! Being much more of a music person than a comedy person, I always have a deep desire to review the musical guests (I did write one spur-of-the-moment review once) but I knew that was your thing so I didn’t want to step on any toes. If you’re cool with it, though, I’d love to continue doing that- and I’d love for others to join in! The sheer amount of content is a difficult undertaking for just one person, and this would be a fun project to complete.

    2. Blue — please do continue reviewing the musical performances. You would absolutely not be stepping on my toes. My intent was more to set a precedent so others could continue, not to repeat stooge’s feat all by myself. Also i would love to read your album reviews.

    3. That’s sweet. My album reviews are on Instagram at @52recordsayear.

      I’ll probably start reviewing performances for each episode that I watch (currently going through the 70’s episodes) in the comments. When the new site comes up to finish off the rest of the episodes for this project, maybe we can team up (along with others if they want to, of course!) to do musical reviews for those episodes?

    4. This makes me think, maybe one thing we can do on the new site that’s slightly different from Stooge is have people give their thoughts on the MGs. Not as a required thing (for instance, I doubt anyone will have anything to say about Jack Harlow outside a couple snide comments, and at that point why bother?) but I’m sure people will have some thoughts on some of the big ones coming up (Byrne, White, and for me personally, St. Vincent & last night’s Cudi).

    5. I think this would be great if enough people are interested. I know I for one am definitely excited about some of those musical guests (David Byrne being my favorite musician, to name one…).

      It would be different, since as Frederick said, it’s more difficult to be objective with music- too easy to give an automatic five stars to an artist you really like, or one star to one that you dislike. Factor in that genre is more wide-ranging, and it may become a challenge.

      That being said, it would be a fun thing to differentiate the two sites, and to give music nerds like me a specific outlet for their inevitable thoughts!

  43. Congratulations on what you have created with this site. Your commitment & hard work putting it together & maintaining it is impressive. Your reviews have always been fun to read & have had the effect of renewing my enthusiasm for the show.
    Thank you, your time & your perspective have been appreciated. Best of luck for your future.

  44. Thank you Stooge, for everything! I don’t blame you at all for your decision, and it goes without saying but you deserve a long, long break from this. Your reviews were always well articulated and usually contained info that I never knew before, so it’s going to be dearly missed.

  45. Sorry to hear this, Stooge, but thank you for everything! I really enjoyed reading this passion project of yours for as long as the passion lasted, and I know I’ll continue to come back here. Thanks so much for creating such a great resource—I know where to start looking the next time I want to watch through every Will Forte update song again. I’ll miss seeing new posts on here, but best wishes going forward! It’s been a pleasure.

  46. Thank you for providing all these great reviews for nearly every season of this show. This collection of reviews is dynamic and thoroughly encompassing the changes this show has endured. So cheers to you Stooge and retire from this project happy with what you have given the SNL fandom.

  47. The Sandler goodnights were pretty incredible. Aidy, Kate and Cecily are pretty much sobbing (or had just stopped sobbing). Heidi and
    Pete looked super emotional as well. It really was an incredible night and it’s the moment I go to when the I think of modern snl

  48. I would be lying if I didn’t admit the announcement was a letdown, but I definitely understand the decision and am grateful for the content this site has (as everyone should be).

    Thank you very much for committing to this project for as long as you did. The work that you have put into the blog is really appreciated! It serves as a guide to everything SNL, and the community that this site has formed is undeniable. One of the best things about this site was the opportunity to analyze different eras throughout the show’s history, and even re-evaluate the quality of certain seasons. The reviews were something I could look forward to reading every day, especially, like John said, during this past year.

    When I first posted that link to the Wicker Breaker on the old Voy message board, the most I was hoping for was for someone to comment about how interesting the concept was. I never would have imagined that it would lead to all this. In a way, making the average ratings and some of the lists for best/worst sketches were to make up for being an indirect cause to your project, by contributing to the blog in return.

    Anyway, I hope the entire experience was worth the effort and that you enjoy some of the most recent seasons if/when you ever get around to watching them. Best of luck in the future, Stooge!

  49. When I said I was disappointed, it was only because I’ve enjoyed reading the reviews so much and will miss having new content. But again, I know what it’s like when life gets in the way of outside projects. Again, bon voyage, Stooge, and all the best in the future. Even though you didn’t quite get to the finish line, you made it a lot farther than I ever could have.

  50. Can’t say I’m not a little sad about this but honestly, you do you. I did a review project myself once for one musical album every week for a year, and by September I was feeling the burnout bad, so I understand what you’re experiencing. And that was just a weekly thing- I can’t imagine the effort of watching an episode, writing about it, taking screencaps, and then posting the review online, every single day! The fact that you managed to go this long is honestly amazing and you deserve a break for sure. I’m glad to hear about the positive changes in your life and wish you the best- and I hope this project hasn’t killed any further interest in SNL, because while I’m woefully behind on my knowledge of the most recent seasons, I do know there are several worthwhile episodes you haven’t seen!

    I discovered this site on a whim and quickly used it to read up on a bunch of sketches I couldn’t find online- it’s been an invaluable source of information. Right now, as I make my way through the 70’s episodes (my current interest), I’ve been referring to your reviews after each one I watch. Thank you for everything you’ve done- it’s certainly been enjoyable for me, and I hope it will be more enjoyable for you now that you’re done with it!

  51. I just want to say thanks for making this site. I’ve been reading since the start of last year when you were reviewing episodes from the late 90’s. I’m not sure if I’ve commented ever but I’ve read reviews most days during this crap year and it has kept my mind off political events and waking every morning worrying about what crazy things are going on in the world. I don’t feel annoyed that you haven’t finished it. SNL is gonna go on indefinitely and you have to draw the line somewhere. The current cast can be good but there are too many of them, there are too many people who have been there for more than 6 years and the writing suffers. At the moment the show is basically just propaganda. Heidi Gardner and Mikey Day should in saner times carry the show but the credit always goes to the famous cast members who just won’t leave.
    There isn’t really anything to look forward to with the next three years of episodes unless you want to watch a load of sketches written on zoom at 4am. Reading this blog reminded me of less bad times. It sounds pathetic but I remember actually looking forward to getting to the 2000s for the shows with Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch. Or getting to 2005 and seeing Jason Sudeikis go from a writer to a cast member. To be honest, I don’t even find good episodes of SNL that funny most of the time, I just like the historical significance of it and its one of those things you can watch like a sport if you can get the knowledge of it. This blog is the knowledge definitely. You’ve done a great job

  52. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as anxious as I am now. If this really is your last review, then this site better not be closed down, since it might be all that I’ve got.

  53. Though I’m sad to see you go Stooge, you don’t owe us anything. You made it to the modern era, so in my book you reached your goal. I hope the outpouring of goodwill shows how much your daily reviews have meant to people. I often wondered how you did it and managed to live your life too. I hope whatever you are doing brings you much joy and that one day you can watch the new seasons without that burnout feeling.

    I LOVE the idea of having a new blog continue where Stooge left off and to keep the community alive. Please post it whenever that happens 🙂 Though I can’t commit to being a highly prolific contributor, I would love to do the odd review if it’s needed. Let me know!

  54. Stooge,

    This website was an absolute treasure to read. Appreciate all you did…this now can stand as almost a “SNL Wikipedia” due to its comprehensive take of a 40+ year of American pop culture history.

    I am sure this was stated before but how long did it take for you to do an actual review? This had to be 4-5 hours a day minimum. The fact that a free website lasted this long is a bloody miracle. Enjoy the well deserved retirement!

  55. As with Roger Ebert and Movies, I’ll never see another episode without wondering what your review will be.

  56. I’m working on creating a blog through WordPress. I’m working out the bugs as we speak.

    Currently, I do not have the time to watch and review episodes but I’m able to run and publish through the blog if there is interest in writing the reviews. To get an idea of interest, email me at if you’d like to guest write. If there is enough interest we can move forward with dividing up the remaining episodes among the community.

    1. Hey all, please contact RoseArt if you would like to be a part of this. The more people we can get to volunteer, the less the workload it takes to push this project over the finish line.

    2. it looks the website is almost done. Can’t wait to see what’s in store!!! If it weren’t for you and me, the project would have been unfinished. We worked together to finish what stooge started and i couldn’t be more proud.

    1. I believe Stooge has touched on this in a comment or two, but basically to recap I think he wants to let go of the responsibility of running the site in general. Even if there were guest writers on this blog, Stooge would likely still have to publish the posts.

  57. Wow, I was wondering why I no longer got the notifications of a new review. Echoing what others said, you deserve the retirement. This was one of the better SNL sites out there, and I especially liked how you gathered most of the screencap bumpers (I think that’s a very underrated treasure of the show). Although I stopped watching the show religiously when I left for the Navy in 2007, I always made time to read one of your reviews. I wish you the best.

  58. I noticed you decided to end early on season 43. I don’t blame you. I always thought after Tina and Amy left SNL became boring. They rarely do the kind of edgy jokes that made the show famous and popular to begin with. And yet somehow they kept chugging along another 16 years. as new episodes come out I watch the alleged best sketches on Youtube and they never make me laugh. I seriously don’t know what makes people watch, unless the average TV viewer is so simple or starved for entertainment they’ll watch anything so long as its familiar. I thought the cast & crew should have given up during COVID. Would have been as good a time as any to end the venerable series. Oh well.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for putting in this much effort and busting your butt every day to genuinely analyze and review each episode, and taking multiple screenies from each sketch. That’s a ton of work and I really appreciate it. Not sure if anyone cares but Peacock is slowly releasing one season at a time, scanned from the original beta max masters. But they are only up to season 4 right now and at this rate I wonder if they’ll ever complete the project. Apparently music rights issues are the main problem, not the digitizing. I admit I love the nostalgia of the older seasons, but I’m only watching cuz I’ve run out of other things and in my life I rarely watched episodes when they were new.

    Much respect,

  59. I saw the new Saturday Night movie tonight. I liked it a lot. Got me to searching for SNL stuff. I found this this site and it’s frickin’ awesome. Thanks for ALL the effort – I can’t even imagine..

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