10 Replies to “The “One SNL a Day” Project 2.0”

  1. Almost had a heart attack when this notification came up in my emails. Couldn’t believe it. But I have read some of the upcoming reviews and they’re fantastic. Proud of everyone involved in continuing the project and Stooge for promoting their work.

  2. I just ran across this site today, it is pretty awesome. I’m sorry you suffered total burnout and handed it off, but this is a great rundown of episodes.

    The SNL seasons have hopped around from one streaming service to another, I’m glad to see Peacock found a home for all of them.

    I used your search to try to find all episodes with U2 in them (I found some) and noticed you have plugged all of us into the best of the best. Thanks, and I can’t wait to refer back here as I make my way through my favorite characters over the years.

  3. How are you able to watch complete episodes? I’ve been watching on Peacock. Some episodes are only thirty minutes long.

    1. One way you can watch complete episodes is by going to the Internet Archive.

  4. Just wanted to point out to the community here (what’s left of it) that a new SNL review podcast, similar in format to this blog, has recently launched. It’s called “Wasn’t that Special.” Most of the episodes do require a paid $60/year subscription (except for a 15 minute free preview). They are going through the show in sequence and doing a podcast episode for every season (not every episode).

    One of the cohosts is Scot Bertram, whose work I have enjoyed in his Political Beats music review podcast.


  5. @Stooge Have you watched any of the remaining 15 episodes of S44-S50 yet and if not, do you plan on it as well watching live in general again?

    1. I have not seen any of those remaining episodes (I’m assuming you meant 115 episodes, not 15) yet, but I’ve been strongly considering getting back into regularly watching the show live later this current season.

    2. Actually, I think he meant the remaining 15 episodes of S44, along with 45-50. It was just worded wrong.

      Also, I’ll be honest: I have not been impressed with the current season, nor the last two.

    3. I’d actually recommend you watch live again, Stooge.

      These past three seasons are overall uneven (good half/hit-or-miss half), but nowhere near the S28-30 period or the early ‘80s seasons. The highlights in the seasons are fantastic and very memorable, and the presence of Andrew & JAJ is adding a lot of oddball energy contrasting the more pandering, theater kid energy of some vets (especially Bowen & Chloe). (JAJ himself really cannot be categorized – he is such an all-rounder with wide variety of humor styles, between oddball, old-timey sketches and musical ones.) New hire Ashley Padilla is also extremely promising, and I hope they pivot towards her as a new utility player – they seem to be going that direction with her of late.

      And, it’s very clear we are in for a major overhaul of the show with so many of the cast (probably 7-8 vets) leaving on their own (and Heidi already hinted at that recently), and maybe a firing or two due to all the cost-cutting at NBCUniversal, which will make the show hopefully much more streamlined, and allows the likes of JAJ and others to stretch and show off more of their talents. In JAJ, I genuinely see an all-timer on the levels of Dan & Phil, and he already had a stronger first few seasons than most recent hires since S31, besides Jason & Kristen.

      And, if you come back and watch again live, then we would of course love your thoughts on the show & cast – not exactly in terms of new reviews (if you don’t want to), but sharing your invaluable insights.

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